Category: cyberpunk 2077

‘Cyberpunk 2077’ won’t require a high-end gaming rig

[ad_1] C:>systeminfo /u /p ******Loading Processor Information…Loading Memory Information…Loading Video Card Information…Saving data to: c:cp77hardware_requirements.infoDisplay now? y/nY — Cyberpunk 2077 (@CyberpunkGame) September 18, 2020 You’ll need at least 8GB of memory (12GB is recommended) and 70GB of free storage space. Cyberpunk 2077 will run on the 64-bit version of Windows 7, but Windows […]

‘Cyberpunk 2077’ ditches its wall-running mechanic

[ad_1] Cyberpunk 2077 will no longer have one of its more intriguing movement mechanics that have been showcased in demos over the last couple of years. CD Projekt Red says it has ditched the wall-running ability. “[Wall-running] is something that we removed due to design reasons, but there’s still going to be a lot of […]

The PS4 version of ‘Cyberpunk 2077’ will work on PS5 at launch

[ad_1] CD Projekt Red has confirmed that Cyberpunk 2077 will be backwards compatibile on PlayStation 5. The PlayStation 4 version “will work on PS5 on launch day,” the studio said. It previously noted that Cyberpunk 2077 would support Microsoft’s Smart Delivery system, meaning the Xbox One version will work on Xbox Series X from the […]

Cyberpunk 2077 ‘Night City Wire’ livestream delayed to June 25th

[ad_1] The Cyberpunk 2077 Night City Wire livestream will now occur June 25th in light of recent anti-racism protests. Scheduled as part of Summer Game Fest, the event was originally set for June 11th and would have given fans a new look at CD Projekt Red’s forthcoming RPG. We decided to move Night City Wire […]

Grimes details her character’s backstory in ‘Cyberpunk 2077’

[ad_1] Grimes (aka Claire Boucher) said she plays Lizzy Wizzy, a pop star who killed herself on stage — doctors performed “emergency surgery” to replace her whole body with cybernetics, and she went on to continue the gig and her career as a cyborg. It’s one of the “greatest pieces of performance art ever made,” […]

‘Cyberpunk 2077’ studio commits to a free Xbox Series X upgrade

[ad_1] There will likely be numerous other games with similar upgrades. Ubisoft has already committed to making Rainbow Six: Siege available for the Series X when the console launches, and while it hasn’t confirmed the use of Smart Delivery (we’ve asked for clarification), it’s also promising cross-generational play that suggests you’ll be using the same […]

Cyberpunk 2077 multiplayer won’t arrive until after 2021

[ad_1] Cyberpunk 2077, was supposed to be part of the pretty long list of much-awaited games dropping in April, along with the Resident Evil 3 and Final Fantasy VII remakes. (Square Enix also move back FFVII’s release for a month.) However, CD Projekt Red had to delay the RPG’s release by five months to give […]

‘Cyberpunk 2077’ video offers a ‘deep dive’ on playing styles

[ad_1] The developers stressed that there’s no fixed class system, and that you’re free to develop hybrid characters with their own specializations. However you play, you’ll have to tread carefully. The video illustrates the possible consequences of choosing one faction over another, or your approach to the AI in your head (Johnny Silverhand, aka Keanu […]

‘Cyberpunk’ developer will keep making ‘Witcher’ games

[ad_1] Before the release of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, studio head Adam Badowski gave conflicting accounts as to whether CD Projekt Red planned to develop a proper sequel. In the four years since The Witcher 3 came out, the company has been similarly coy about whether fans will get to play Geralt of Rivia […]