Category: Cybersecurity

Suspected ransomware attack hits one of the largest hospital networks in the US

[ad_1] “We implement extensive IT security protocols and are working diligently with our IT security partners to restore IT operations as quickly as possible,” the statement reads. “Patient care continues to be delivered safely and effectively.” NBC News reports some UHS hospitals have had to fall back on filing patient information using pen and paper due […]

Facebook takes down more fake accounts linked to Russian intelligence

[ad_1] “While we have not seen the networks we removed today engage in these efforts, or directly target the US 2020 election, they are linked to actors associated with election interference in the US in the past, including those involved in ‘DC leaks’ in 2016,” Gleicher wrote. “These fake personas posed as editors and researchers […]

Joe Biden’s campaign app had a bug that made it too easy to access voter info

[ad_1] While someone could get some of that same information through other means, the Vote Joe app trivialized obtaining it (among other issues, the software also doesn’t require users to verify their email). Moreover, the App Analyst found Vote Joe pulls in more data than it displays through its user interface, including what seems like […]

Razer data leak may have exposed info of over 100,000 customers

[ad_1] “We would like to thank you, sincerely apologize for the lapse and have taken all necessary steps to fix the issue as well as conduct a thorough review of our IT security and systems,” the company said. “We remain committed to ensure the digital safety and security of all our customers.” If a malicious […]

White House issues ‘SPD-5’ cybersecurity policy for space

[ad_1] The Trump administration’s latest Space Policy Directive, SPD-5, details policies the government believes the country’s public and private space agencies should adopt to protect their systems from hacking threats. Some of the best practices the document recommends include that operators encrypt data they receive from their craft. They should also install physical measures to […]

How it feels to survive Silicon Valley and a pandemic

[ad_1] If RSA’s attendees were even able to score an Airbnb, it was second to the tech companies who’d, for years, packed employees into expensive rentals that once were on the normal-person market. Companies whose fat salaries also pushed rents out of reach for locals. Both had ensured a steady flow of evictions among artists, […]

A security breach opened up access to a genealogy site’s DNA profiles

[ad_1] According to Verogen, the company that recently purchased GEDmatch, no user data was downloaded or compromised. But two days later, the genealogy website MyHeritage alerted users to a phishing scheme that targeted people who used both MyHeritage and GEDmatch. In a statement posted online, the company said it suspects the attackers may have gleaned […]

US charges two Chinese hackers with trying to steal COVID-19 research

[ad_1] According to the indictment, the hackers were working both for the Chinese government’s Ministry of State Security and for their own personal gain. At the moment, there’s no indication that they obtained any COVID-19 research. “China has now taken its place, alongside Russia, Iran and North Korea, in that shameful club of nations that […]

Twitter is working to unlock accounts it locked ‘proactively’ after hack

[ad_1] Out of an abundance of caution, and as part of our incident response yesterday to protect people’s security, we took the step to lock any accounts that had attempted to change the account’s password during the past 30 days. — Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) July 16, 2020 “If your account was locked, this does not […]

The UK will remove Huawei equipment from its 5G networks by 2027

[ad_1] Back in January, the UK said that “high risk” vendors including Huawei would be allowed to build the country’s 5G network, provided they weren’t “core” parts of it. Clearly, the government has changed its mind. “5G will be transformative for our country, but only if we have confidence in the security and resilience of […]