Category: Cybersecurity

Twitter fixes an Android bug that could have allowed hackers to hijack accounts

[ad_1] The company says it doesn’t have evidence that suggests anyone was able to exploit the vulnerability. However, it notes, “we can’t be completely sure so we are taking extra caution.” The company is contacting people it thinks may have had their app exposed to the bug with instructions on how to protect their account. […]

Google Chrome will warn you if your logins have been stolen

[ad_1] As Google itself notes, this feature is something the company has been working on for a while now. It started with an extension back in February; in October, it embedded the feature directly into Google Accounts. Google is also adding real-time phishing protection to Chrome on desktop. To be clear, Chrome already warns you […]

752,000 US birth certificate applications were exposed online

[ad_1] The applications include information like the applicant’s name, their date of birth, current home address, email and phone number. Additionally, they included other details about people’s lives, such as their previous address, the names of their family members and the reason they applied to get the documents in the first place. The cache includes […]

Facebook is fixing a bug that turned on phone cameras

[ad_1] Some users said that when they viewed a video in full screen and then shrank it back, the app layout would shift slightly to the right. In the space on the left, you could see the phone’s camera had been activated. CNET says it was able to replicate the issue. Today, while watching a […]

Iowa asked researchers to break into a courthouse, then it arrested them

[ad_1] The incident occurred in September. The Coalfire employees found a door to the Dallas Courthouse open. They closed the door to see if it would lock and then attempted to open it, setting off an alarm. Following protocol, they waited for police to arrive, and showed them their paperwork. The first deputies to respond […]

Microsoft has a new way to keep your computer’s firmware from being hacked

[ad_1] Now Microsoft thinks it has a solution to the problem. As part of a new partnership with PC manufacturers, the company is launching an initiative called Secured-core PC. With Secured-core PC, Microsoft is rethinking Windows’s relationship with firmware and how it handles booting up a device. Under this new system, a processor’s firmware will […]

Senator Wyden pushes his ‘Mind Your Own Business’ privacy act forward

[ad_1] As The Verge reports, the bill would allow the FTC to set minimum privacy and cybersecurity standards for tech companies, issue fines up to four percent of a company’s annual revenue and make it a crime for senior execs to lie to the agency regarding privacy issues. It would empower state attorneys general to […]

iPhone exploit could allow permanent jailbreak for millions of devices

[ad_1] Twitter user axi0mX revealed the bootrom exploit, dubbed checkm8, that makes it possible to jailbreak the devices. As The Verge explains, bootrom exploits take advantage of a vulnerability in the initial code that iOS devices load when they boot up. Because it’s read-only memory (ROM), Apple can’t overwrite or patch it through a software […]

Millions of Americans’ medical records are out in the open on the internet

[ad_1] The publication identified at least 187 medical servers across the US that weren’t protected by a password, let alone other modern cybersecurity measures. Moreover, many of those same servers were running outdated software, making them vulnerable to a variety of known exploits. In all, ProPublica estimates that some 13.7 million medical tests and 400,000 […]

Apple re-fixes a bug that let users jailbreak iPhones

[ad_1] This current update fixes a kernel vulnerability that would have allowed an attacker to “execute arbitrary code with system privileges” on an iPhone or iPad. Apple also mentioned Pwn20wnd, the hacker that released the public jailbreak. “We would like to acknowledge @Pwn20wnd for their assistance,” the company wrote in a security update. As you […]