Category: Cybersecurity

TrickBot malware may have hacked 250 million email accounts

[ad_1] In a recent investigation, Deep Instinct found a database containing 250 million compromised email accounts. The firm says millions of those belong to governments in the US and UK, as well as agencies in Canada. The database contained more than 25 million Gmail addresses, 19 million addresses and 11 million addresses. AOL, […]

Government hackers reportedly broke into Russian search company Yandex

[ad_1] In the fall of 2018, the hackers deployed a type of malware called Reign, which is linked to “Five Eyes,” an intelligence-sharing alliance comprised of the US, Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. It’s unclear which of those countries might be behind the breach, though. A Yandex spokesperson told Reuters that the hack was […]

Alphabet’s cybersecurity company Chronicle will join Google Cloud

[ad_1] Chronicle got its start as a project inside X, Alphabet’s “moonshot factory,” and it quickly spun into a standalone company. When Chronicle introduced Backstory this spring, the company compared it to Google Photos for cybersecurity. Users dump in data from various security products, and Backstory organizes the alerts and scans for legitimate threats. It’s […]

EA patched Origin security flaws that put millions of users at risk

[ad_1] The vulnerabilities took advantage of abandoned subdomains, EA Games’ use of authentication tokens and single sign-on and TRUST mechanisms built into the user login process. Had an attack been carried out, it could have been devastating, given that EA is the world’s second largest gaming company and millions of user accounts would have been […]

Google warns banning Huawei could increase security risks

[ad_1] In accordance with the “national emergency” declared by the Trump Administration last month, Google cut Huawei off from potential Android updates. Huawei responded saying that it could launch its own operating system, which has been in the works for years, as early as this fall. While the Trump Administration did grant a 90-day window […]

Auction for a laptop full of malware closes at $1.2 million

[ad_1] Commissioned by cybersecurity firm Deep Instinct, “The Persistence of Chaos“ was created by artist Guo O Dong, who told The Verge that the piece is a way to give abstract cyber threats physical form. It contains viruses like WannaCry, which infected more than 200,000 computers across 150 countries and caused nearly $4 billion in […]

GM will deliver over-the-air updates to ‘most’ vehicles by 2023

[ad_1] Tesla has been able to update its software via the internet for years, but conventional automakers have been slow to follow suit. GM is one of the first to introduce the capability, and its new electronic system will be able to manage up to 4.5 terabytes of data processing per hour — that’s five […]

US government warns China may have access to drone data

[ad_1] The alert reportedly cautions organizations involved in national security and critical functions that they must be “especially vigilant as they may be at greater risk of espionage.” If the alert has any merit, it could be serious, as in the US, drones are used for everything from law enforcement to first response missions and […]

Facebook revives ‘View As Public’ profile feature

[ad_1] Today, Facebook announced two changes that could make it easier to manage your publicly visible info. First, Facebook is bringing back the “View As Public” feature that allows users to preview their profiles as they appear to the general public. The company is also adding an “Edit Public Details” button directly on profiles. [ad_2] […]

A ransomware attack is holding Baltimore’s networks hostage

[ad_1] Nearly every department of the city government was affected in some way, though the police, fire, emergency response and 311 systems remained up. The city’s phones are still active, and employees are at work. City Council did cancel at least one hearing on gun violence. According to the Baltimore Sun the ransomware — a […]