Category: Cyberwarfare

Trump confirms cyberattack against Russian trolls during 2018 midterms

[ad_1] The 2018 US attack on Russia was reportedly meant to disrupt efforts to cast doubt on the legitimacy of midterm results, which saw the Democrats regain control of the House of Representatives. The confirmation is a change of tune for Trump. He previously claimed that Russia had stopped cyberattacks agains the US and has […]

US cyberattack reportedly knocked out Iran missile control systems

[ad_1] It’s uncertain how Iran reacted to the apparent attack. Officials have declined to comment, with Cyber Command noting that it doesn’t want to jeopardize its operations by discussing its online efforts. The report comes days after word of the US planting offensive malware in Russia’s power grid, however, and not much longer after national […]

The US planted offensive malware in Russia’s power grid

[ad_1] The military branch is reportedly taking advantage of measures in a 2018 defense authorization bill permitting secret online campaigns to “deter, safeguard or defend against” cyberattacks without requiring explicit presidential approval. President Trump, who claimed that Russia had stopped cyberattacks, isn’t believed to have been briefed on the malware plants. Officials have declined to […]

Israel is the first to respond to a cyberattack with immediate force

[ad_1] The Israeli military believed the strike represented a decisive blow, claiming that “Hamas has no cyber operational capabilities” after their building was destroyed. The airstrike wasn’t completely surprising when Israel has been responding to hundreds of rocket attacks from Gaza militants over the past few days. It’s in the midst of an active conflict […]