Category: data collection

Facebook is facing an EU investigation over data collection

[ad_1] The body told Reuters it started preliminary investigations into how both companies handle data. “These investigations concern the way data is gathered, processed, used and monetized including for advertising purposes,” the EU’s competition watchdog said. Regulators are hoping to determine whether Facebook places restrictions on data use by third-party companies in exchange for access […]

Contractors say they were told to lie while collecting Pixel 4 face scans

[ad_1] This summer, we learned that Google had embarked on a wide scale project to collect facial recognition data, which the company said was necessary to build “fairness” into face unlocking for its Pixel 4, which will be officially unveiled on October 15th. A new report from the New York Daily News has more details […]

New York AG is investigating Facebook over email contact scraping

[ad_1] Facebook claims 1.5M contact databases were harvested by its email verification process, but the total number of people whose information was improperly obtained may be hundreds of millions. It’s time Facebook be held accountable for how it handles consumers’ personal info. — NY AG James (@NewYorkStateAG) April 25, 2019 Facebook said the data collection […]

Sidewalk Lab’s street signs alert people to data collection in use

[ad_1] The idea behind Sidewalk Labs’ icons is pretty simple. The company wants to create an image-based language that can quickly convey information to people the same way that street and traffic signs do. Icons on the signs would show if cameras or other devices are capturing video, images, audio or other information. Additionally, Sidewalk […]