Category: dea

Microsoft reportedly tried to sell facial recognition tech to the DEA

[ad_1] ACLU senior staff attorney Nathan Freed Wessler was concerned not just that Microsoft wanted to sell a “dangerous” tech to an agency involved in a “racist drug war,” but that it came just as the US Attorney General had reportedly expanded the DEA’s surveillance powers. The DEA could misuse the tech to spy on […]

How to protect your identity while protesting police brutality

[ad_1] While there isn’t a whole lot you can do against a cop with a can of mace and an itchy trigger finger, there are plenty of ways to protect your safety, identity and personal data when you’re out exercising your First Amendment rights. You’ll have to do more than follow the Wu-Tang’s advice to […]

ACLU sues to reveal the FBI’s uses of facial recognition

[ad_1] The FBI has engaged in “political policing,” the ACLU said, including spying on peaceful activists. That raised the potential for abuse against innocent targets. The agency also claimed that it didn’t need to demonstrate probable cause to use facial recognition, and couldn’t confirm if it honored “constitutional obligations” to inform defendants in criminal cases […]