Category: deep learning

Amazon created a musical keyboard to help developers learn about AI

[ad_1] The company envisions developers using the 32-key, two-octave keyboard as a tool for experimenting with machine learning. You can use the instrument to lay down a melody, and then, with the help of Amazon’s DeepComposer toolset, create new compositions. At launch, Amazon will have pre-trained algorithms that will be able to dress up melodies […]

Intel unveils its first chips built for AI in the cloud

[ad_1] The chipmaker also unveiled a next-gen Movidius Vision Processing Unit whose updated computer vision architecture promises over 10 times the inference performance while reportedly managing efficiency six times better than rivals. Those claims have yet to pan out in the real world, but it’s safe to presume that anyone relying on Intel tech for […]

DeepMind AI now keeps up with ‘StarCraft II’ Grandmasters

[ad_1] AI in reinforcement training is normally set to maximize its chances of winning, but that doesn’t necessarily make for strong training. The software may only learn to excel in a narrow set of conditions and leave itself open to exploits. Much like human experts, DeepMind’s new approach has one of the AIs focus on […]

AI can help doctors spot brain hemorrhages faster

[ad_1] The process relied on a convolutional neural network that pored over 4,396 CT scans. That’s a comparatively small number of samples, but the abnormalities were detailed “at the pixel level,” according to UCSF. In other words, they were far less likely to misinterpret noise and other errors as hemorrhages. The technique also had the […]

MIT-IBM developed a faster way to train video recognition AI

[ad_1] The trick is in shifting how video recognition models view time. Current models encode the passage of time in a sequence of images, which creates bigger, computationally-intensive models. The MIT-IBM researchers designed a temporal shift module, which gives the model a sense of time passing without explicitly representing it. In tests, the method was […]

IBM AI helps predict breast cancer a year before it appears

[ad_1] The IBM approach trains the AI with anonymized mammography images linked to biomarkers (such as reproductive history) and clinical data, allowing the creation of an algorithm with comparatively high accuracy. It can reduce the chance of a bad diagnosis by establishing connections between traits you wouldn’t spot in imagery alone, such as iron deficiencies […]

Microsoft AI creates realistic speech with little training

[ad_1] The system relies in part on Transformers, or deep neural networks that roughly emulate neurons in the brain. Transformers weigh every input and output on the fly like synaptic links, helping them process even lengthy sequences very efficiently — say, a complex sentence. Combine that with a noise-removing encoder component and the AI can […]

AI defeated a top-tier 'Dota 2' esports team

[ad_1] So much for the best Dota 2 players having the skill to fend off cutting-edge AI. OpenAI Five has beaten five players from OG, the veteran team that won Valve's 2018 International, in a best-of-three exhibition match. The Verge noted that the deep… [ad_2] Source link

Boston Dynamics’ acquisition will help its robots see in 3D

[ad_1] Kinema is a Menlo Park-based company that uses deep learning to give robotic arms the 3D vision they need to locate and move boxes. It can recognize different products and handle boxes of different sizes, even if they’re not perfectly level. With this purchase, Boston Dynamics now has the software it needs to make […]

Turing Award winners include AI giants from Facebook and Google

[ad_1] Hinton, for instance, proved that a then-rare backpropagation algorithm could help neural networks solve problems that were previously unfeasible. LeCun was instrumental to developing technologies behind modern computer vision, while Bengio helped foster generative adversarial networks (that is, pitting a creative network against another that serves as a kind of quality control) that can […]