Category: deepfake

TikTok bans deepfakes to fight misinformation and election meddling

[ad_1] The deepfake ban is part of a broader set of policy changes meant to fight misinformation and election meddling. The new rules also make the company’s policy barring coordinated inauthentic activities “unambiguous.” TikTok also says it’s expanding its work with outside fact-checkers ahead of the 2020 election, and that it will allow users to […]

Disney’s face-swap technology is as impressive as it is unsettling

[ad_1] What sets Disney’s efforts apart from others’ attempts is its focus on megapixels. Traditionally, deepfake technology has focused on smooth facial transfers — that is, making a face look like a face on a face — rather than the nitty gritty details of an image. Models from DeepFakelab, for example, produced an image that […]

Facebook announces the winner of its Deepfake Detection Challenge

[ad_1] “Honestly I was pretty personally frustrated with how much time and energy smart researchers were putting into making better deepfakes without the commensurate sort of investment in detection methodologies and combating the bad use of them,” Facebook CTO Mike Schroepfer told reporters on Thursday. “We tried to think about a way to catalyze, not […]

Recommended Reading: Zoom's security struggles

[ad_1] 'Every day is a crisis': Zoom boosts its security as scrutiny growsCyrus Farivar and Jo Ling Kent, NBC NewsAs many of us are working and attending school from home, Zoom has become a popular vehicle for video meetings and classroom sessions. During t… [ad_2] Source link

Twitter labels video retweeted by Trump as ‘manipulated media’

[ad_1] The original video showed Biden saying: “Excuse me. We can only re-elect Donald Trump if in fact we get engaged in this circular firing squad here. It’s gotta be a positive campaign.” However, Scavino cut off the end of the video so it just said, “Excuse me. We can only re-elect Donald Trump.” Just […]

Twitter bans deepfakes that are ‘likely to cause harm’

[ad_1] When determining if the media has been deceptively altered, Twitter will consider factors like whether a real person has been fabricated. It may flag content if visual or auditory info (like dubbing) has been added or removed. It will also judge the context and whether the deepfake is likely to impact public safety or […]

Alphabet’s Jigsaw created a tool that detects doctored images

[ad_1] Images that are edited in apps like Photoshop may look convincing to the human eye, but there are many artifacts that can be more easily detected by a computer. For example, the clone tool creates repeated patterns in an image that may be virtually undetectable to the untrained eye, but — to a computer […]

TikTok-owner ByteDance reportedly built a deepfake maker

[ad_1] On one hand, the feature could be seen as a natural evolution of other face swapping tech. On the other hand, it could have some very unpleasant repercussions. We’ve already seen how deepfake technology can be used for harm, so making the tech more accessible seems like a bad idea. As TechCrunch points out, […]

Facebook helped Reuters create an online course on identifying deepfakes

[ad_1] According to Axios, Facebook is spending “six figures” to help Reuters make the course available internationally as part of the Facebook Journalism Project. The material is currently available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic, with the news agency planning to translate into at least 12 more languages, including German and Japanese, down the road. […]

Snapchat’s Cameo test slips your face into GIFs

[ad_1] The company said it was testing the feature in some international markets, including France. It’s not certain when Cameo will reach the masses, but Snap said to expect a worldwide release “soon.” This could help Snapchat in multiple ways. It’s an alternative to Bitmoji for those who think avatars are too cutesy. It also […]