Category: Design

Educators can temporarily give Creative Cloud access to distance learners

[ad_1] Adobe hopes that allowing for easier access to its apps will help keep K-12 and college students on track despite the lack of access to on-campus computer labs. IT admins have to fill out a form, which Adobe will evaluate. The admins can then grant access by uploading spreadsheets of approved users to their […]

Windows 10 UI updates have been spotted in a Microsoft promo video

[ad_1] The video depicts a File Explorer window that looks noticeably different than the one Windows 10 users are accustomed to, and there’s a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it peak at a new calendar interface. Additionally, the tiles that pop up in the start menu have a more unified, monochromatic look that seems to jive with the user’s chosen […]

Facebook finally lets desktop users opt-in to dark mode

[ad_1] This has been in the works for a long time. Facebook first promised a cleaner and faster desktop interface at its F8 developers conference last spring. A limited number of users began testing the revamped design in January. If you use Facebook’s desktop version, you’ll likely see a banner at the top of the […]

Essential designer shows off the phones that might’ve been

[ad_1] In a post he has since locked, Kevin Hoffman, a former employee who says he was the lead designer on two successor devices, the PH-2 and PH-3, shared images of the phones and detailed their backstories. Let’s start with the PH-2. It appears it would have featured the same basic design as the original […]

Hitting the Books: Disney’s influence on America’s first stealth planes

[ad_1] Stealth: The Secret Contest to Invent Invisible Aircraftby Peter Westwick If you has any interest in aircraft in the 1950s, Southern California was the place to be. Blessed (at the time at least) with ample open space for airfields and manufacturing plants, a cadre of advanced research institutes and elite universities like CalTech, as […]

Using Lego therapy for autism

[ad_1] Play therapy is not new in the autism field; therapists have incorporated play into treatments and interventions for decades. Lego-based therapy, however, posits that there is something unique about Lego itself, which helps autistic children acquire social skills on a level that’s more resonant than rote. Founded in 1932 by Danish carpenter Ole Kirk […]

The Morning After: Sony’s PlayStation 2 turns 20

[ad_1] The coronavirus outbreak may hurt supplies for weeks.Apple reportedly warns stores of iPhone replacement shortages Apple has briefed retail staff that replacement phones will be in short supply, due to the effects of the coronavirus. This could last between two and four weeks. So what if your iPhone no-worky? Geniuses will be able to […]

Scientists create bendable concrete that could better withstand earthquakes

[ad_1] Instead of traditional “Portland” cement, this new concrete incorporates fly ash, which is a byproduct of burning coal for power. In a way, using ash to make concrete is something of an old trick. Ancient Roman engineers mixed volcanic ash and quicklime to create their signature building material, and it’s one of the reasons […]

Facebook’s rebuilt Messenger is a big step towards unifying its chat apps

[ad_1] In fact, Messenger’s engineers have been steadily stripping features out of it, like the Discover tab, which the company confirmed it was axing last week. (Separately, Facebook notes some features may be “temporarily unavailable,” but no word yet on which specific capabilities may be affected.) More importantly, the redesign lays important groundwork for other […]