Category: digital currency

Telegram hasn’t given up on its ‘Gram’ cryptocurrency

[ad_1] The currency — which has been rumored for a while — will operate with a decentralized structure similar to Bitcoin. The coins will apparently be stored in a Gram digital wallet, which Telegram plans to offer to its 200 million global users. However, the cryptocurrency has largely been born of 2018’s $1.7 billion investment […]

Facebook’s Libra Association is being investigated by EU antitrust regulators

[ad_1] The investigation, still in its early stages, is examining the governance structure and membership of the Libra Association. The purpose-built, independent nonprofit is meant to govern the digital currency. Founding members include the likes of MasterCard, PayPal, Visa, eBay, Spotify, Uber and Lyft. According to Bloomberg, regulators fear that the way information will be […]

Lawmakers want to block tech giants from offering digital currency

[ad_1] In addition to blocking Facebook’s plans for Libra, the “Keep Big Tech Out of Finance Act” would prevent other firms (those mainly offering an online platform service with at least $25 billion in annual revenue) from launching similar cryptocurrencies. Companies that violate the rules could be fined as much as $1 million per day. […]