Category: doe

The next US particle accelerator will be built on Long Island by 2031

[ad_1] Funding for the project will primarily come from the DOE, which expects to hand over anything up to $2.6 billion, with New York State adding an additional $100 million. That will pay for a 2.4-mile long ring to be built parallel to the collider that’s already in place at Brookhaven. It’s hoped that investment […]

Microsoft is helping the government build AI disaster response tools

[ad_1] “Artificial intelligence enables us to address some of humanity’s greatest challenges, and in this case, improve disaster resilience for populations around the world,” Toni Townes-Whitley, President of US Regulated Industries, Microsoft, said in a statement. “As evidenced by this consortium we have joined with the DOE and DoD, it’s critical that private and public […]

Department of Energy will invest $300 million in green transportation research

[ad_1] The second, meanwhile, has the agency’s Fuel Cells Technologies Office prepared to give up to $64 million to support the development of new hydrogen fuel cell technologies. Lastly, the department’s Bioenergy Technologies Office has $100 million to finance alternative fuel advancements. The goal here is to support breakthroughs that reduce the cost of biofuels […]

Trump admin blocks expanded rules against inefficient lightbulbs

[ad_1] On Friday the Department of Energy announced it will not allow amended standards for incandescent lamps to go into effect. Following the passage of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 there was talk of a “ban” on incandescent lights, but that wasn’t exactly what the rules mandated. While there has been a […]