Category: donaldtrump

Twitch restores Donald Trump’s account after a two-week suspension

[ad_1] Twitch also took issue with a rebroadcast of Trump’s 2015 speech in which he declared he was running for president. At the time, he referred to Mexican migrants as “rapists.” It’s not clear why Twitch determined that a two-week suspension would be appropriate in this case. A spokesperson declined to comment further on the […]

Trump plans to raise the minimum vaping age to ’21 or so’

[ad_1] The administration previously said it’d ban non-tobacco flavored pods to make vaping less enticing for teenagers. However, advocates of the practice have said having a variety of flavors helps adults quit cigarettes, and that banning them would result in vape shops shutting down. As such, officials may believe increasing the age limit at the […]

Seth Meyers’ Netflix special will have a button to skip Trump jokes

[ad_1] It’ll work similarly to the “Skip Intro” or “Next Episode” prompts you already see on Netflix. Meyers, who brought the idea to Netflix, told CNN the button is just “another joke in the special” and shouldn’t be taken too seriously. In fact, he doesn’t think many folks will actually use it. Netflix has tried […]

Trump announces more tariffs on goods made in China

[ad_1] …buy agricultural product from the U.S. in large quantities, but did not do so. Additionally, my friend President Xi said that he would stop the sale of Fentanyl to the United States – this never happened, and many Americans continue to die! Trade talks are continuing, and… — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 1, […]

Research group says America’s favorite TV size is now 65 inches

[ad_1] One main reason for that seemingly odd trend is that manufacturers hoarded vast inventories of TVs ahead of a planned 25 percent tariff on Chinese products. However, the US and China cooled their trade war somewhat after a meeting between President Donald Trump and President Xi Jinping at G20, with Trump confirming the US […]

The music streaming payday won’t go to artists

[ad_1] The record industry expects a windfall. Where will the money go?Marc Hogan,Pitchfork It’s no secret the music industry is booming on the back of streaming services. However, it seems like not much will change in terms of where all the money goes. Pitchfork explains that much of the revenue will stay in the “upper […]

Chinese woman arrested carrying malware into Trump resort

[ad_1] Zhang got in after the resort’s Beach Club manager said there was a member sharing her family name, leading to the belief she was a relative. A receptionist caught Zhang after she talked about attending the bogus event and wasn’t on the property’s access list. Trump was staying at the resort a the time, […]