Category: duckduckgo

Yes, the Patriot Act amendment to track us online is real

[ad_1] Interestingly, one “Big Browser” company has a feature that’s a useful tool in this context. Like the way Apple can’t “read” your iPhone’s data (specifically, Apple can’t decrypt it), Google can only share what it can “read.” You can password protect your Chrome data by following the instructions here.  Anyway, to validate the concerns […]

DuckDuckGo shares a list of thousands of web trackers that gather your data

[ad_1] Tracker Radar includes the most common cross-site trackers, plus detailed info on things like their prevalence, ownership, cookie behavior and privacy policy. According to CNET, the data set contains details on 5,326 domains used by 1,727 companies to track users online. DuckDuckGo hopes that developers will use Tracker Radar to block online tracking and […]