Category: dvr

TiVo’s leaked Edge DVR touts Dolby HDR and Atmos audio

[ad_1] There would be a CableCARD-equipped version with six tuners and 2TB of space, but there would also be two OTA-focused models with different tuner and storage levels. It’s not certain how close the Edge might be to reaching shelves, but the box shots in the leak hint the DVR is likely close to launch. […]

Amazon’s Fire TV Recast DVR box is $100 off today

[ad_1] The compact box offers both DVR and streaming features, giving cord cutters an option to watch network TV content and sports broadcasts as well as streaming services like Netflix or Hulu. You can watch over-the-air-TV from channels like ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, PBS or the CW or record shows to watch later. There’s also […]

TiVo plans to split its product and licensing divisions

[ad_1] “We are pleased that our Board has approved the separation of TiVo’s Product and IP Licensing businesses and believe both businesses will be better positioned independently. We believe the separation will unlock shareholder value and increase our flexibility in pursuing new and growing market opportunities,” said interim TiVo CEO Raghu Rau in a press […]

Soon your TiVo will be able to skip commercials automatically

[ad_1] As much as technology has advanced in the last couple of decades, the ability to automatically skip commercials has remained mostly in the past. Now Zatz Not Funny says — based on a Facebook post by an employee and confirmation with a source — that TiVo’s DVRs will get an upgraded version of their […]