Category: earthquake

AI can help find more places to store captured CO2 underground

[ad_1] The team trained a convolutional neural network to find the “hidden correlations” in components of high-frequency data from simulated earthquakes. The AI learned how to find patterns that could be used to infer the ‘missing’ low frequencies, to put it another way. The result is an algorithmic system that, in the right circumstances, can […]

California’s statewide Earthquake Early Warning system sent its first alert

[ad_1] According to a project manager quoted by the LA Times, about 40 people received the alert, and it took 8.7 seconds for the alert to go out. In this case, that reached people in the town of Paso Robles, about 22 miles away in enough time to give them about one second of warning. […]

Xiaomi is adding early earthquake warnings to MIUI phones in China

[ad_1] Xiaomi smartphone and set-top box owners in China will soon have access to potentially life-saving early earthquake warnings right on their devices. At its annual Mi Developer conference in Bejing, the Chinese electronics company said its MIUI 11-based smartphones and Mi TV set-top boxes now include an early earthquake warning feature. Xiaomi claims the […]

California’s Earthquake Early Warning system rolls out statewide

[ad_1] This system doesn’t predict earthquakes, and after quake’s early this year failed to produce a notification on phones in Los Angeles, the threshold for a warning has been lowered to at least a magnitude 4.5 and Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) of 3, which is similar to a truck driving by outside your house. According […]

California’s statewide earthquake alert system launches Thursday

[ad_1] In Mexico and Japan, warning systems that send out alerts for seismic events have been in place for years, but a similar setup for California has been long-delayed. Finally, on Thursday the first statewide Earthquake Early Warning System will go online. Until now, large-scale alerts have only been available in LA County, where they […]

Alphabet’s balloons broadcast LTE two days after Peruvian quake

[ad_1] This isn’t the first time Loon has provided connectivity following a disaster. It delivered internet to 100,000 people in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria struck in 2017. But in that case, it took Loon four weeks to get the balloons online. The difference in Peru is that Loon was already negotiating a commercial contract […]