Category: eeg

Researchers say they can predict epileptic seizures an hour in advance

[ad_1] Sufficient warnings could afford patients time to prepare for the onset of a seizure by taking medication. Those who don’t respond well enough to anti-epileptic drugs would also have the chance to minimize the risk of seizure-related injuries. Epiness, according to the BGU researchers, minimizes the number of EEG electrodes that a wearer would […]

Looxid adapts its VR brain monitor for Oculus Rift S

[ad_1] The attachment sits just above the goggles of the Oculus Rift S, allowing the nine EEG electrodes to make contact with the user’s forehead. It looks like a natural fit — the video shows the user dodging some enemy fire in a VR game and the unit doesn’t wobble at all. The Oculus Rift […]

Brain-controlled VR lightshows could lull you to sleep

[ad_1] Inter-Dream assigns different colors and properties to different brainwaves, and since brainwaves are always changing, the visuals and colors change, too. The result is a constantly moving, mirage of colors, shapes and patterns. More active brainwaves are associated with more active displays. The idea is that people whose minds are more active just before […]