Category: election interference

HBO’s ‘Kill Chain’ doc highlights the flaws in US election machines

[ad_1] While the matter is of grave concern across the country, Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America’s Elections delves into problems with some specific machines and issues in certain states. For instance, back in 2005, security researcher Harri Hursti (a key figure in the film) demonstrated a memory card exploit that could alter votes […]

Senate: Obama Admin. wasn’t prepared to handle Russian interference

[ad_1] Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC) said the Obama administration “struggled to determine the appropriate response” and “debated courses of action without truly taking one.” The administration worried about alarming the American people and that a statement could be perceived as political, given that then-President Obama was actively campaigning for Hillary Clinton. “There were many […]

Key U.S. election systems could have been exposed online for months

[ad_1] It’s likely the case that election officials who claimed their systems weren’t online didn’t know any better. “We … discovered that at least some jurisdictions were not aware that their systems were online,” Kevin Skoglund, an independent security consultant, told Motherboard. At issue isn’t the electronic voting machines themselves, but the SFTP server and […]

The EU’s election interference alert system isn’t working properly

[ad_1] The political landscape is a significant problem by itself. Russia frequently exploits European websites and far-right political parties to further its agenda, but EU analysts aren’t allowed to send warnings or debunk campaigns when they come from European outlets. The restriction is billed as an attempt to protect free speech, but ultimately limits Rapid […]

EU says Russia conducted ‘sustained’ election interference campaign

[ad_1] There was a change in strategy this time around, the EU added. Instead of launching large efforts online, the Russians and the political figures linked to them preferred “smaller-scale,” more regional influence campaigns that would be harder to catch. The report writers credit Facebook, Google, Twitter and others with doing a better job of […]

Twitter removes nearly 4,800 accounts linked to Iranian government

[ad_1] The Iranian accounts were divided into three categories depending on their activities. More than 1,600 accounts were tweeting global news content that supported the Iranian state. A total of 248 accounts were engaged specifically in discussion about Israel. Finally, a total of 2,865 accounts were banned due to taking on a false persona which […]