Category: Election

Lyft expands free voter rides to all US primaries

[ad_1] The company is promising more details on plans to improve voter access and “other forms of civic engagement” later in the year. This is partly a promotional vehicle, of course Along with other LyftUp projects like Disaster Response and Grocery Access, it’s as much about polishing Lyft’s image as it is caring for people […]

Cloudflare is providing free anti-DDoS services to US political campaigns

[ad_1] “This is our way of providing best practices and no-brainer solutions to not only large campaigns, but also smaller, but equally important campaigns that may have limited resources,” said Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince. To provide the service, Cloudflare is working with Defending Digital Campaigns (DDC), a non-partisan nonprofit organization that connects US election candidates […]

Bernie Sanders proposes $150 billion for public broadband improvements

[ad_1] The candidate also vows to “dramatically” lower the cost of service. He would require basic internet plans, up the FCC’s minimum definition of broadband from 10Mbps to 100Mbps, regulate rates and fully subsidize entry-level plans for low-income households. This would involve protecting and expanding the Lifeline program. He would outright ban data caps and […]

Google bans political ad targeting by affiliation and voter records

[ad_1] These practices are in line with what you already see in conventional TV, radio and print ads, Google said. The search firm is also taking a tougher stance on truth in advertising than Facebook, if only slightly. It’s clearing up its ad policies to explicitly forbid deepfakes, misleading census claims or any other ads […]

WhatsApp banned over 400,000 accounts during Brazil’s election

[ad_1] There is evidence of a likely culprit, however. A Guardian data study indicated that the “vast majority” of false info shared on WhatsApp during the election favored far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro, with 42 percent of sampled right-wing messages containing false claims versus just 3 percent for the left-wing camp. The eventual winner was also […]

Iowa asked researchers to break into a courthouse, then it arrested them

[ad_1] The incident occurred in September. The Coalfire employees found a door to the Dallas Courthouse open. They closed the door to see if it would lock and then attempted to open it, setting off an alarm. Following protocol, they waited for police to arrive, and showed them their paperwork. The first deputies to respond […]

Russia accuses Facebook, Google of violating political ad laws

[ad_1] Roskomnadzor didn’t mince words. It said the ads were “unacceptable” and that they could be treated as “interference in the sovereign affairs” of the country. There was no mention of punitive action, however. We’ve asked Facebook and Google for comment. Google, however, has agreed to remove ads before and has said it honors local […]

Facebook, Google meet intelligence agencies to talk 2020 election security

[ad_1] We’ve asked the companies in question for comment. Microsoft confirmed to Engadget that it “is participating in this meeting.” In a statement, Twitter said it “always welcome[s] the opportunity” to meet with government agencies and fellow companies to discuss securing the 2020 election, and said there was a “joint effort in response to a […]

US officials brace for ransomware attacks against election systems

[ad_1] The prep includes education and recommendations as well as more immediate checks like remote penetration testing and vulnerability scans. It won’t, however, involve advice on whether or not state governments should pay ransoms. Homeland Security wants systems to be sufficiently airtight that they aren’t forced to make that choice, an unnamed official told Reuters. […]

Judge orders Georgia to ditch ‘vulnerable’ voting machines by 2020

[ad_1] “Georgia’s current voting equipment, software, election and voter databases, are antiquated, seriously flawed, and vulnerable to failure, breach, contamination, and attack,” she wrote in her ruling. “The long and twisting saga of Georgia’s non-auditable DRE/GEMS voting system — running on software of almost two decades vintage with well-known flaws and vulnerabilities and limited cybersecurity […]