Category: Election

The EU’s election interference alert system isn’t working properly

[ad_1] The political landscape is a significant problem by itself. Russia frequently exploits European websites and far-right political parties to further its agenda, but EU analysts aren’t allowed to send warnings or debunk campaigns when they come from European outlets. The restriction is billed as an attempt to protect free speech, but ultimately limits Rapid […]

EU says Russia conducted ‘sustained’ election interference campaign

[ad_1] There was a change in strategy this time around, the EU added. Instead of launching large efforts online, the Russians and the political figures linked to them preferred “smaller-scale,” more regional influence campaigns that would be harder to catch. The report writers credit Facebook, Google, Twitter and others with doing a better job of […]

Major voting machine maker backs away from paperless models

[ad_1] He also wanted laws dictating a “more robust” testing scheme run by vetted researchers, and to expand on existing advantages like a highly varied (and thus harder to compromise) infrastructure. While voting machines go undergo testing, they’re not necessarily secure enough to resist attacks “at any point in the process,” Burt said. There isn’t […]

Kamala Harris sees Facebook as a ‘utility’ that might need breaking up

[ad_1] The observations come days after Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes used an op-ed to ask the FTC to break up Facebook. Candidates beyond Harris have had varying stances. Sen. Amy Klobuchar has offered increased antitrust oversight without specifically calling for a Facebook split, while Sen. Cory Booker said a President shouldn’t wield “personal beliefs” and […]

Facebook opens ‘war room’ to fight meddling in EU election

[ad_1] The team has already been running for a short while, and caught “hundreds” of instances of suspicious behavior linked to political topics, Facebook’s Lexi Sturdy told the Financial Times. Some of those were voter suppression efforts that have since been removed. The company has also learned from its past experiences and has “fine-tuned” its […]

FBI, DHS task forces to address election security are now permanent

[ad_1] In response to questions after a speech Friday in front of the Council on Foreign Relations, FBI director Christopher Wray called Russian efforts using social media to influence elections in the US “pretty much a 365-days-a-year” threat. According to the New York Times, an unnamed senior official said that a Foreign Influence Task Force […]

Twitter’s bans ahead of Israeli election include an odd religious sect

[ad_1] The exact intentions are unknown. The accounts were apparently boosting political messages for right-wing Israeli politicians, although they didn’t promote Netanyahu. This was out of the norm for them — most of their posts were religious. The Chinese government isn’t likely to be involved given that it has regularly attacked the group and forced […]

Facebook removes over 1,000 pages ahead of India’s election

[ad_1] This is the latest in Facebook’s ongoing attempts to keep the platform from being manipulated around elections. Earlier this month, Facebook removed 137 accounts in the UK for stoking political tension. In January, the company removed more than 900 Pages in Iran and Indonesia for coordinated inauthentic behavior. And last year, it pulled Pages […]

Nearly half of the votes in Estonia’s election were cast online

[ad_1] Estonia started this kind of voting in 2005 using chipped IDs and card readers, but it took off in 2011 when the public could vote with their cellphones thanks to a special SIM card and PIN codes. It’s appealing beyond the convenience of voting on your own terms, we’d add. You’re allowed to change […]