Category: electrodes

Elon Musk will show a working Neuralink device on August 28th at 3 PM ET

[ad_1] Neuralink said it first aims to help amputees, or restore the ability to see, talk and listen. While the company hasn’t announced any human testing, it has been tried on primates, with Musk saying “a monkey has been able to control a computer with its brain.” Musk said that the technology shown on Friday […]

A mind-controlled exoskeleton helped a paralyzed man walk again

[ad_1] As part of a study with the University of Grenoble Alpes in France, the patient, who goes by Thibault, agreed to have two five-centimeter discs of his skull replaced with brain sensors, each with 64 electrodes. The researchers mapped Thibault’s brain to determine which areas become active when he thinks about walking or moving […]

New prosthetic legs let amputees feel their foot and knee in real-time

[ad_1] The researchers worked with two patients with above-the-knee, or transfemoral, amputations. They used an Össur prosthetic leg, which comes with a microprocessor and an angle sensor in the knee joint, IEEE Spectrum explains. The team then added an insole with seven sensors to the foot. Those sensors transmit signals in real-time, via Bluetooth to […]