Category: elizabeth warren

US senators ask Amazon why it keeps firing COVID-19 whistleblowers

[ad_1] Earlier this week, AWS vice president Tim Bray quit over what he sees is an attempt to punish whistleblowers who express concerns about lacking COVID-19 protections. Meanwhile, the National Labor Relations Board is looking into claims of retaliation against employees who organize or participate in protests. In a statement provided to Engadget, an Amazon […]

Elizabeth Warren campaign open sources its organizing tools

[ad_1] The campaign will have “more to say” in the weeks ahead about what it did with technology. It isn’t unheard of for American candidates to rely on software for election runs, but developing open source tools is relatively rare. It may become more common, mind you. The Warren team noted that Spoke alone saved […]

What does the end of Elizabeth Warren’s campaign mean for big tech?

[ad_1] Warren drew significant attention over the past year by saying that many of the biggest tech companies in the world would be under close scrutiny if she were to become president. Specifically, she pledged to break up Amazon, Facebook and Google and accused them of using their power to unfairly influence the market and […]

Congress worries sale of .org could harm non-profits

[ad_1] Control over the .org internet domain is close to changing hands, and American politicians aren't happy. Senators Richard Blumenthal, Elizabeth Warren and Ron Wyden have joined Rep. Anna Eshoo in sending a letter demanding answers over the Internet… [ad_2] Source link

Elizabeth Warren Facebook ad mocks Facebook’s fact checking policies

[ad_1] After admitting that’s not true, the ad states “If Trump tries to lie in a TV ad, most networks will refuse to air it. But Facebook just cashes Trump’s checks,” while also claiming the site “already helped elect Donald Trump once.” In a statement to CNN, Facebook spokesperson Andy Stone said “If Senator Warren […]

Elizabeth Warren reveals $85 billion rural broadband plan

[ad_1] She plans to earmark $85 billion in federal funding to expand broadband networks in rural areas. Currently, the Federal Communications Commission offers $4.6 billion/year to fund rural broadband infrastructure, while the Rural Utilities Service doles out $800 million/year in grants and loans. Under Warren’s plan, the $5 billion funding for expanded broadband on Native […]

Replacing crops with solar panels

[ad_1] California farmers are planting solar panels as water supplies dry upSammy Roth,Los Angeles Times In parts of California, water is becoming scarce, and that’s not great news for farmers. There is an alternative though: solar panels. Los Angeles Times explains how the renewable energy source might help replace jobs and revenue that are lost […]

Lawyers almost made ‘click to accept TOS’ boxes disappear forever

[ad_1] A group of lawyers, professors & judges are about to vote on whether to subject consumers to abusive contracts they don’t negotiate and can’t opt out of. This dangerous proposal will shape decisions in courts across the country – it should be voted down. — Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) May 21, 2019 An ALI […]

Facebook temporarily pulled Warren ads about breaking it up

[ad_1] One of Warren’s ads is a video directing users to a petition on her campaign website, asking voters to support her plan. Others feature images and text with the the same message. In a tweet, the Senator said that the event demonstrates how much power Facebook wields. Curious why I think FB has too […]

Elizabeth Warren pledges to break up Facebook, Google and Amazon

[ad_1] Warren has two proposals to counter the influence of these companies. First would be designating large tech platforms as “platform utilities.” “These companies would be prohibited from owning both the platform utility and any participants on that platform,” Warren says in the Medium post. Second, Warren proposes focusing on the reversal of tech mergers […]