Category: employees

Amazon employees say they were threatened for climate change criticism

[ad_1] In October, the employees, Maren Costa and Jamie Kowalski, told The Washington Post that Amazon contributes to climate change by supporting oil- and gas-company exploration with its cloud computing business. Both employees say they were subsequently called into meetings with human resources, where they were accused of violating the company’s external communications policy. Costa […]

US labor board will investigate Google’s recent firings

[ad_1] The four employees claim they were fired for protected labor organizing. Last week, they filed unfair labor practice charges. Google says it fired the four over repeat violations of its data security policies. In a statement provided to Engadget it said: “We dismissed four individuals who were engaged in intentional and often repeated violations […]

Amazon warehouse injury numbers highlight pressure on workers

[ad_1] In a statement provided to Engadget, Amazon denies that its “fulfillment centers are unsafe and efforts to paint our workplace as such based solely on the number of injury recordings is misleading given the size of our workforce” (its full statement on the reports is below). As of June, it employed 125,000 people at […]

Hundreds of employees criticize Facebook’s political ad policies

[ad_1] In the letter, obtained by The New York Times, the employees argue that allowing misinformation to run could increase distrust in Facebook and undermine Facebook’s integrity. They recommend six ways to remedy the situation, including holding political ads to the same standards as other ads, restricting political ad targeting and clearer policies in general. […]

Government reportedly tells Google it can’t ban political talk at work

[ad_1] An NLRB director approved a settlement in the case, according to the report. It should be enacted after an appeals period. Under the settlement, Google will reportedly have to tell workers it has walked back rules preventing them from sharing details such as working conditions and wages with each other or reporters. Engadget has […]

Huawei accuses the US of cyberattacks and other ‘unscrupulous’ behavior

[ad_1] According to Huawei, the US has instructed law enforcement to “threaten, menace, coerce, entice, and incite” current and former Huawei employees. Huawei says the US has unlawfully searched, detained and arrested Huawei staff; sent FBI agents to employees’ homes; dug up old civil cases that have been settled; and committed various other wrongdoings. (The […]

Google’s internal community guidelines discourage political discussions

[ad_1] As you may remember, a couple years ago an anti-diversity screed infuriated Googlers when it argued that Google should drop attempts to include different cultures and genders. More recently, Google has faced controversy over its warning that employees who protest the company at Pride must do so in their personal capacity, and it’s been […]

Facebook plans to double its minority employees in the next five years

[ad_1] To get there, Facebook plans to double its female employees globally and its Black and Hispanic employees in the US. “It will be a company that reflects and better serves the people on our platforms, services and products,” Facebook said in a blog post. The company says the goal is both ambitious and important, […]