Category: epfl

Bird-inspired wings could help small drones fly four times longer

[ad_1] Where the leading edges of aircraft wings are typically smooth and focused on keeping airflow glued to the wing as much as possible, the scientists’ design has s a sharp leading edge (much like that of small birds and insects) with a completely flat wing, separating the airflow. That lessens the peak aerodynamic efficiency, […]

Proposed CO2 capture system could reduce truck emissions by 90 percent

[ad_1] In a paper published in the journal Frontiers in Energy Research, the researchers propose capturing carbon dioxide from a truck’s exhaust pipe and turning it liquid, which is stored in a tank on the vehicle’s roof. This liquid carbon dioxide can then be delivered to a service station where it can be reused in […]

Next-gen hearing implants could overcome inner ear damage

[ad_1] Scientists have succeeded in testing the implant on mice, but there’s still a long way to go. The team just recently created a human-sized version that would be suitable for surgery, and it’ll have to go through more studies before human trials begin. Provided everything goes smoothly, though, it might restore hearing in situations […]

Scientists bioprint living tissue in a matter of seconds

[ad_1] The approach, volumetric bioprinting, forms tissue by projecting a laser down a spinning tube containing hydrogel full of stem cells. You can shape the resulting tissue simply by focusing the laser’s energy on specific locations to solidify them, creating a useful 3D shape within seconds. After that, it’s a matter of introducing endothelial cells […]

Scientists unveil 3D microscope that visualizes cells without damaging them

[ad_1] A new 3D microscope, called CX-A, can see the internal structure of cells down to the organelles with a resolution of less than 200nm. The microscope works like an MRI machine for cells, taking images from all angles which can be pieced together into a 3D image. The cell is illuminated by a rotating […]

Jumping ant robots use teamwork to overcome obstacles

[ad_1] Now, researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) have developed tiny robots with similar skills. They can jump or crawl across surfaces and communicate with each other to complete complex tasks and achieve goals. The “Tribots” are origami robots with three legs which are autonomous and untethered. “Their movements are modeled […]

AI can simulate quantum systems without massive computing power

[ad_1] It’s difficult to simulate quantum physics, as the computing demand grows exponentially the more complex the quantum system gets — even a supercomputer might not be enough. AI might come to the rescue, though. Researchers have developed a computational method that uses neural networks to simulate quantum systems of “considerable” size, no matter what […]

Holographic tech could be key to future quantum computers

[ad_1] Existing techniques for both studying light and extracting 3D info are inherently limited by the size of wavelengths. This allows a considerably higher resolution that can even include holographic movies of fast-moving objects. The approach is still very early and might not reach quantum computers for a long time. However, it does hint at […]