Category: epilepsy

Researchers say they can predict epileptic seizures an hour in advance

[ad_1] Sufficient warnings could afford patients time to prepare for the onset of a seizure by taking medication. Those who don’t respond well enough to anti-epileptic drugs would also have the chance to minimize the risk of seizure-related injuries. Epiness, according to the BGU researchers, minimizes the number of EEG electrodes that a wearer would […]

Twitter blocks animated PNGs after trolls used them to trigger seizures

[ad_1] “We want everyone to have a safe experience on Twitter,” the company said in a tweet. “APNGs were fun, but they don’t respect autoplay settings, so we’re removing the ability to add them to tweets. This is for the safety of people with sensitivity to motion and flashing imagery, including those with epilepsy.” Twitter […]

Researchers develop an AI system with near-perfect seizure prediction

[ad_1] While it’s not a complete fix, the new AI system, developed by Hisham Daoud and Magdy Bayoumi of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, is a major leap forward from existing prediction methods. Currently, other methods analyze brain activity with an EEG (electroencephalogram) test and apply a predictive model afterwards. The new method does […]

Facebook is inching closer to a think-to-type computer system

[ad_1] Brain-computer interface systems already exist, but require users to mentally select a letter at a time on a virtual keyboard, a process that tends to be very slow. The UCSF researchers, however, tried to use context to help the machines translate entire words and phrases. Researchers implanted electrical arrays on the surfaces of the […]