Category: equifax

It doesn’t matter if China hacked Equifax

[ad_1] It was a message of PR reprieve for the skinsuits at Equifax, who spend their life cycles profiting from tracking and trading our personal and financial information (and we’re powerless to stop them). Especially now as we’re seeing reports about how four Chinese hackers “took down Equifax.” That sure sounds a lot better (for […]

Senators ask credit agencies why they don’t report FBI data requests

[ad_1] There could be good reason to disclose those data requests. Previously released documents have revealed that Equifax, Experian and TransUnion received a “large number” of 750 NSLs, and the senators note that these companies received “dozens” of letters ending gag orders on individual requests. That’s a lot of vital personal data (including purchase habits […]

Security fails we’re kinda thankful for

[ad_1] What the fail With the Pixel 4 face unlock debacle, you really can say that Google’s Android security team did not check itself before it wrecked itself. What we’re thankful for here is the BBC journalist, who probably does not have narcolepsy, but instead pretended to be asleep with his review copy of a […]