Category: ethics

IBM and Microsoft support the Vatican’s guidelines for ethical AI

[ad_1] The pledge, presented to Pope Francis today, calls for AI that safeguards the rights of all humans, especially the underprivileged, and for new regulations in areas like facial recognition. It asks tech leaders to “humanise technology and not ‘technologise’ humanity,” Novena News reports. “The Vatican is not an expert on the technology but on […]

White House cautions against over-regulating AI in new guidelines

[ad_1] The guidelines instruct federal agencies to “conduct risk assessment and cost-benefit analyses prior to any regulatory action on AI, with a focus on establishing flexible frameworks rather than one-size-fits-all regulation.” Michael Kratsois, CTO of the United States, is expected to formally announce the principles at CES tomorrow. This isn’t the first time the Trump […]

Former Google exec says he was pushed out for defending human rights

[ad_1] LaJeunesse joined Google in 2008. In 2017, around the time Google was considering returning to China with a censored search engine, dubbed Project Dragonfly, LaJeunesse began lobbying to formalize Google’s principles supporting free expression and privacy, The Washington Post reports. People like Kent Walker, Google’s chief lawyer and head of policy, reportedly raised concerns […]

Pentagon’s draft AI ethics guidelines fight bias and rogue machines

[ad_1] The draft demands equitable AI that avoids “unintended bias” in algorithms, such as racism or sexism. AI could lead to people being treated “unfairly,” the board said, even if they’re not necessarily in life-and-death situations. The board called on the military to ensure that its data sources were neutral, not just the code itself. […]

Axon won’t use facial recognition tech in its police body cameras

[ad_1] Axon has not yet deployed facial recognition technology in any of its body cameras, but it has been using the AI to help blur faces in videos before they are released to the public. In a press release, the company said it will continue developing the technology in an ethical manner and will work […]

The EU releases guidelines to encourage ethical AI development

[ad_1] According to the EU, AI should adhere to the basic ethical principles of respect for human autonomy, prevention of harm, fairness and accountability. The guidelines include seven requirements — listed below — and call particular attention to protecting vulnerable groups, like children and people with disabilities. They also state that citizens should have full […]

Google forms an external council to foster ‘responsible’ AI

[ad_1] The current advisors include academics focused both on technical aspects of AI (such as computational mathematics and drones) as well as experts in ethics, privacy, and political policy. There’s also an international focus, with people ranging from as far afield as Hong Kong and South Africa. ATEAC will hold its first meeting in April, […]