Category: eu

EU sets framework for contact tracing apps that work across borders

[ad_1] “As we approach the travel season, it is important to ensure that Europeans can use the app from their own country wherever they are travelling in the EU,” Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton said in a press release. According to the EU Commission, the information will be shared in a way that prevents […]

Germany’s voluntary contract tracing app is available to download

[ad_1] According to the Associated Press, the government spent €20 million (approximately $22.5 million) funding the development of the app. Moving forward, it expects to spend another €2.5 million to €3.5 million per month operating the software.  As in other countries, the app is meant to complement conventional contract tracing efforts wherein medical professionals reach out […]

EU says websites can’t hide content behind ‘cookie walls’

[ad_1] Are you frustrated with websites trying to dodge around the EU’s cookie consent laws by forcing you accept cookies just to view anything? So is the EU. The European Data Protection Board has published (via TechCrunch) new guidelines saying that “cookie walls” violate EU data protection law. Consent has to be “freely given,” the […]

UK’s NHS won’t use Apple-Google approach to COVID-19 tracking

[ad_1] Another potential drawback, is that the centralized approach may eat up more power. Apple’s solution lets the contact tracing happen in the background, but the UK’s app has to be woken up every time the device detects another nearby device running the same software, BBC explains. By choosing the centralized approach, the NHS is […]

European mobile carriers will share location data to track COVID-19 spread

[ad_1] The data will be aggregated and anonymized, the official said. The Commission will also delete the info when the pandemic is over. The European Data Protection Supervisor also wants the Commission to “clearly define” the data it wants to collect, maintain transparency and limit access to epidemiologists and other relevant experts. Separately, the World […]

Netflix will reduce streaming bitrates in Europe to ease congestion

[ad_1] “Following the discussions between Commissioner Thierry Breton and Reed Hastings — and given the extraordinary challenges raised by the coronavirus — Netflix has decided to begin reducing bit rates across all our streams in Europe for 30 days,” the company said in a statement to Engadget. The move comes after EU Internal Market Commissioner […]

EU asks Netflix and other services to stream in SD to ease internet burden

[ad_1] Breton also called on streaming services, including Netflix and YouTube, to do what they can to prevent additional strain on Europe’s internet infrastructure. Breton told Politico he spoke to Netflix CEO Reed Hastings about the issue, with a second call planned sometime in the next few days. “Streaming platforms, telecom operators and users, we […]

EU plans to introduce sweeping ‘right to repair’ legislation for electronics

[ad_1] If the European Parliament were to pass legislation, it would extend its eco-design law to cover phones, tablets and computers, and likely force tech companies to completely rethink the designs of their products. The legislation would also require those same companies to provide easy to access information related to the repairability and durability of […]

Google searches are showing rival business directories in Europe

[ad_1] The company appeared to have tested this in Germany before rolling it out to a wider audience that includes the UK. There’s no certainty this will prevent another antitrust case against Google. The competing directories are clearly visible, but they’re ultimately dwarfed by Google’s own info. Also, these may be a little too familiar. […]