Category: eu

The EU just approved a vaccine to prevent Ebola

[ad_1] Ervebo was first engineered by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the US Army more than a decade ago. In 2014, following the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, Merck acquired the rights to develop the vaccine. The “conditional marketing authorization” is a type of approval reserved for medicine that addresses unmet medical needs. […]

G20 leaders will discuss raising taxes for big tech firms next week

[ad_1] The finance ministers are scheduled to meet in Washington, where they’ll review proposals by the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) — the group tasked with overhauling tax rules that date back to the 1920s. The new rules may create a corporate income tax of a few percentage points, which could make […]

EU grills Facebook over Libra’s financial and privacy risks

[ad_1] The questioning is part of a larger EU effort to determine if and how Libra should be regulated, provided it’s even allowed to operate in the region. There are significant hurdles to that happening. The European Central Bank’s Benoît Coeuré has warned that the standards for approval “will be very high,” and the French […]

Europe’s top court rules that Facebook can be ordered to remove illegal content

[ad_1] The decision by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) comes after former politician Eva Glawischnig-Piesczek sued Facebook Ireland in the Austrian courts, in a bid to have an insulting comment removed which she believed was harmful to her reputation. The Facebook user in question had shared an article on their Facebook page, accompanied by […]

Visa, Mastercard are reconsidering support for Facebook Libra

[ad_1] It has been a few months since Facebook officially announced its “Libra” cryptocurrency push with support from some big names including Visa and Mastercard. Since then we’ve heard little about it other than increasing scrutiny from regulators, bankers and politicians around the world, while those partners have mostly remained quiet. The Wall Street Journal […]

Google told it doesn’t have to apply ‘right to be forgotten’ results globally

[ad_1] The dispute kicked off in 2015, when France’s privacy regulator CNIL ordered Google to remove links allegedly containing misleading or damaging information about an individual. Google said it complied by geoblocking the results in Europe, but the CNIL insisted that the results needed to be removed around the world. It argued, among other things, […]

French court rules Steam games must be able to be resold

[ad_1] Valve’s lawyers attempted to argue Steam was a subscription service, according to French publication Numerama. The court, however, rejected Valve’s defense, saying Steam doesn’t sell games as part of a subscription package. The court went on to say Valve’s policy on game reselling is against European Union laws that govern the free-flow of digital […]

France says it will block Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency in Europe

[ad_1] Speaking at an OECD conference in Paris on Thursday, French finance minister Bruno Le Maire said Libra would put the sovereignty of governments at risk. “All these concerns around Libra are serious,” he said, according to a translation by CNBC. “So I want to say this with a lot of clarity: In these conditions, […]

Facebook’s Libra Association is being investigated by EU antitrust regulators

[ad_1] The investigation, still in its early stages, is examining the governance structure and membership of the Libra Association. The purpose-built, independent nonprofit is meant to govern the digital currency. Founding members include the likes of MasterCard, PayPal, Visa, eBay, Spotify, Uber and Lyft. According to Bloomberg, regulators fear that the way information will be […]

EU says sites using Facebook’s Like button are responsible for your data

[ad_1] The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruling emerged after a German consumer group sued a company called Fashion ID. The group claimed the retailer breached rules regarding personal data protection through the use of the Like button. A German court requested guidance from the CJEU. “The consequence of embedding that button […]