Category: europe

Apple’s Irish tax deal will be scrutinized by Europe’s highest court

[ad_1] Unsurprisingly, Apple disagreed. The company’s appeals were initially unsuccessful, however. In 2016, it started transferring money into an escrow account that would only be emptied once a final decision was made. By September 2018, the company had all of its unpaid taxes, plus interest, in that holding account. Apple hasn’t given up on its […]

Nintendo made a special ‘Fortnite’ edition Switch

[ad_1] A new Fortnite Nintendo Switch bundle is landing in Europe on October 30th. The bundle comes with a Fortnite design on the back of the console and on the dock, plus exclusive yellow and blue Joy-Con controllers. Fortnite will be pre-installed, and you’ll get 2,000 V-Bucks. The bundle also comes with a WildCat Bundle […]

Pepper the robot can politely suggest you wear a damn mask

[ad_1] Using an image recognition AI and Single Shot Detector, Pepper can scan the faces of up to five people at once. On Pepper’s tablet, a green circle will appear around an image of anyone wearing a mask, and a red circle will appear around the image of anyone without a mask. Pepper can thank […]

European police hacked encrypted phones used by thousands of criminals

[ad_1] Law enforcement agencies began collecting data from Encrochat on April 1st. According to the BBC, the encryption code was likely cracked in early March. It’s not clear exactly how officials hacked the platform, which is now shut down. It’s not unusual for criminals to communicate via encrypted apps and devices. In 2018, the FBI […]

Disney+ will launch in eight more European countries on September 15th

[ad_1] If you’re in a European country that’s not yet received Disney+, there may be light at the end of the tunnel for you. Today, the company has announced it’ll roll out to eight more European countries on September 15th — Portugal, Norway, Denmark, Swed… [ad_2] Source link

EU sets framework for contact tracing apps that work across borders

[ad_1] “As we approach the travel season, it is important to ensure that Europeans can use the app from their own country wherever they are travelling in the EU,” Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton said in a press release. According to the EU Commission, the information will be shared in a way that prevents […]

Supercomputers across Europe have fallen to cryptomining hacks

[ad_1] Cryptomining hacks aren’t new by any stretch, but a string of recent incidents is raising eyebrows. ZDNet reports that culprits infected multiple European supercomputers with Monero mining malware in the past week, including the University of Edinburgh’s ARCHER, five of bwHPC’s computer clusters and most recently a cluster at Munich’s Ludwig-Maximilians University. That’s unusual […]

EU says websites can’t hide content behind ‘cookie walls’

[ad_1] Are you frustrated with websites trying to dodge around the EU’s cookie consent laws by forcing you accept cookies just to view anything? So is the EU. The European Data Protection Board has published (via TechCrunch) new guidelines saying that “cookie walls” violate EU data protection law. Consent has to be “freely given,” the […]