Category: european commission

EU investigates Google data collection practices

[ad_1] We’ve asked Google for comment. In the past, it explained that it used data to improve its services and gave users controls to manage and delete their info. An investigation doesn’t necessarily guarantee the EU will file an antitrust case. However, officials have previously slapped Google with over €8 billion (about $8.8 billion) in […]

The EU just approved a vaccine to prevent Ebola

[ad_1] Ervebo was first engineered by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the US Army more than a decade ago. In 2014, following the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, Merck acquired the rights to develop the vaccine. The “conditional marketing authorization” is a type of approval reserved for medicine that addresses unmet medical needs. […]

EU grills Facebook over Libra’s financial and privacy risks

[ad_1] The questioning is part of a larger EU effort to determine if and how Libra should be regulated, provided it’s even allowed to operate in the region. There are significant hurdles to that happening. The European Central Bank’s Benoît Coeuré has warned that the standards for approval “will be very high,” and the French […]

Facebook’s Libra Association is being investigated by EU antitrust regulators

[ad_1] The investigation, still in its early stages, is examining the governance structure and membership of the Libra Association. The purpose-built, independent nonprofit is meant to govern the digital currency. Founding members include the likes of MasterCard, PayPal, Visa, eBay, Spotify, Uber and Lyft. According to Bloomberg, regulators fear that the way information will be […]

Google faces (yet another) antitrust complaint, this time over job search

[ad_1] Google added jobs to its search queries in 2017, rolling out from the US to the UK in 2018. It has certain features which make it appealing to users — not only is it very convenient, but it also lists salaries in its postings. The problem is that smaller job listing companies say that […]

Google temporarily stops Assistant audio transcriptions in the EU

[ad_1] A Google spokesperson told CNBC that it paused the practice shortly after the audio was leaked, back in July. “We are in touch with the Hamburg data protection authority and are assessing how we conduct audio reviews and help our users understand how data is used,” a Google spokesperson said in a statement. Last […]

Qualcomm fined €242 million in European antitrust case

[ad_1] The case refers to a period between 2009 and 2011 when Qualcomm was in competition with NVIDIA’s modem business, Icera, to create smaller and more efficient wireless chips. The Commission found that Qualcomm sold its chipsets below cost to Huawei and ZTE in order to eliminate the competition. The strategy worked to cement Qualcomm’s […]

EU set to investigate Apple over Spotify’s competition claims

[ad_1] Both tech companies have declined to comment on the report. Apple, however, has already rejected Spotify’s assertions. It argued that Spotify was really driven by “financial motivations” and wanted to benefit from the App Store’s infrastructure without contributing to it. The firm also rejected notions that it was privileging Apple Music on a software […]

AI-analyzed tweets could help Europe track floods

[ad_1] The tool works in collaboration with Europe’s Flood Awareness System (EFAS). When EFAS identifies areas with heightened flood risks, it triggers SMFR to begin collecting flood-related tweets from users in those areas. Gathering reliable information from Twitter is no easy task, especially considering that EFAS covers an area with more than 27 languages. That’s […]

The EU releases guidelines to encourage ethical AI development

[ad_1] According to the EU, AI should adhere to the basic ethical principles of respect for human autonomy, prevention of harm, fairness and accountability. The guidelines include seven requirements — listed below — and call particular attention to protecting vulnerable groups, like children and people with disabilities. They also state that citizens should have full […]