Category: european union

EU won’t let Facebook tell it how to regulate tech giants

[ad_1] This comes as Facebook is promoting its “Charting a Way Forward: Online Content Regulation” white paper, which offers guidelines for future regulations. Breton dismissed the guidelines proposed in Facebook’s white paper as insufficient. He noted that Facebook didn’t mention its own market dominance or clearly outline its responsibilities. “It’s not for us to adapt […]

EU investigates Qualcomm for alleged anti-competitive tactics

[ad_1] The tech firm said it was in the “process of responding” to the investigation, which started on December 3rd but wasn’t public knowledge until now. It maintained that its methods “do not violate” EU competition rules. The consequences of losing the case could be serious. The Commission could fine Qualcomm up to 10 percent […]

EU votes in favor of choosing a common charging cable standard

[ad_1] The European Parliament also instructed the Commission to think about wireless chargers and how they could be used to reduce electronic waste. It also wants the body to find ways for the EU to collect and recycle more cables and chargers. “There is ‘an urgent need for EU regulatory action’ to reduce electronic waste […]

EU won’t unilaterally ban Huawei gear from 5G networks

[ad_1] The Commission asked member nations to implement the guidelines by April 30th, and to provide a report on their implementations by June 30th. These guidelines could theoretically placate the US by encouraging countries to ban the likes of Huawei if they feel there’s a security risk, but American officials might not be happy all […]

UK won’t implement EU’s contentious digital copyright law

[ad_1] Companies like Google also campaigned against Article 11, a segment that required news aggregators to pay for any quotes that went beyond very short excerpts. The decision against implementing the Copyright Directive will let internet giants carry on quoting larger sections of articles in news search results, much to the chagrin of some publishers. […]

Apple says EU push for universal phone charger would ‘stifle innovation’

[ad_1] Apple also felt that rules weren’t necessary when the industry was already consolidating around USB-C, either through port changes or through cables (as with the iPhone 11 Pro). The industry has consolidated from “30 chargers to three, soon to be two,” Apple said. It still hoped the European Commission would look for a solution […]

German court bans Uber’s ride-hailing service

[ad_1] In Germany and other parts of the European Union, Uber operates differently than it does in North America. Due to a 2017 decision by the EU’s highest court, the company works exclusively with private hire vehicle (PHV) companies and their licensed drivers. Today’s decision effectively bans the company from offering rides to people in […]

Facebook is facing an EU investigation over data collection

[ad_1] The body told Reuters it started preliminary investigations into how both companies handle data. “These investigations concern the way data is gathered, processed, used and monetized including for advertising purposes,” the EU’s competition watchdog said. Regulators are hoping to determine whether Facebook places restrictions on data use by third-party companies in exchange for access […]

EU investigates Google data collection practices

[ad_1] We’ve asked Google for comment. In the past, it explained that it used data to improve its services and gave users controls to manage and delete their info. An investigation doesn’t necessarily guarantee the EU will file an antitrust case. However, officials have previously slapped Google with over €8 billion (about $8.8 billion) in […]

The EU just approved a vaccine to prevent Ebola

[ad_1] Ervebo was first engineered by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the US Army more than a decade ago. In 2014, following the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, Merck acquired the rights to develop the vaccine. The “conditional marketing authorization” is a type of approval reserved for medicine that addresses unmet medical needs. […]