Category: exchange

Microsoft now protects Office 365 users against ‘reply all’ email storms

[ad_1] Microsoft might just save you the next time a less-than-attentive coworker starts a “reply all” email storm. It’s now rolling out (via ZDNet) an Exchange feature that protects Office 365 users worldwide against those barrages of unwanted messages. It’ll initially help large companies by blocking replies if there are 10 “reply all” messages sent […]

Hackers stole $40 million from a major Bitcoin exchange

[ad_1] Not the best of days, but we will stay transparent. Thank you for your support! — CZ Binance (@cz_binance) May 7, 2019 “The hackers had the patience to wait, and execute well-orchestrated actions through multiple seemingly independent accounts at the most opportune time,” wrote Binance CEO Zhao Changpeng in a statement. “We must conduct […]

QuadrigaCX’s missing millions is the messiest Bitcoin saga yet

[ad_1] Those deposit holders and interested third parties began a forensic analysis of QuadrigaCX to determine what the hell was going on. It didn’t take long before several suspicious details began to shake loose, raising more questions than answers. Less than a month before he died, Cotten wrote a will assigning his fortune — including […]