Category: exogeology

USGS releases first complete geologic map of the Moon

[ad_1] Have you ever wanted to study the Moon’s surface in exacting detail? Now’s your chance. The USGS (with help from NASA and the Lunar Planetary Institute) has released the first complete geologic map of the Moon, providing a truly comprehensive look at our nearest cosmic neighbor. The 1:5,000,000 scale map is color-coded to help […]

NASA’s InSight lander can finally dig a hole for its Mars heat probe

[ad_1] It’s still moving slowly. The mole has dug roughly three quarters of an inch since October 8th, and it could venture as deep as 16 feet. It could be a long, long time before the probe reaches its potential. Nonetheless, it’s a huge relief to scientists worried that one of InSight’s key instruments might […]

Meteor impact may have started a ‘mega-tsunami’ on early Mars

[ad_1] There appears to be stronger evidence of a possible ocean on ancient Mars. A recent study indicates that the meteor that created the 75-mile Lomonosov crater may have produced a “mega-tsunami” that left its mark on the planet. Its rim is the same height as the estimated depth of the ocean and resembles marine […]