Category: Facebook

Facebook temporarily pulled Warren ads about breaking it up

[ad_1] One of Warren’s ads is a video directing users to a petition on her campaign website, asking voters to support her plan. Others feature images and text with the the same message. In a tweet, the Senator said that the event demonstrates how much power Facebook wields. Curious why I think FB has too […]

Instagram founders on Snapchat and breaking up Facebook

[ad_1] Of course, you can’t talk about Instagram without mentioning its Stories feature, which it introduced in 2016 and is now one of the staples of the app. There are now over 500 million people using Instagram Stories daily, and Facebook is confident that number is going to keep growing, since more users are leaning […]

Trump administration may monitor social media to catch disability fraud (updated)

[ad_1] On Monday, the White House released a fiscal 2020 budget proposal that would allow the Social Security Administration to “use all collection tools to recover funds in certain scenarios” as well as hold fraud investigators liable for overpayments. Right-wing think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation and the Republican Party have long attacked the […]

Facebook sues two Ukranians over data-stealing browser add-ons

[ad_1] Gorbachov and Sluchevsky have been accused of violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse act by accessing data without permission, as well as breach of contract and fraud for misleading Facebook into believing they were above-board. The two reportedly used fake names, and were caught in October 2018 after Facebook conducted a deeper look into […]

Facebook is using AR to bring a massive mural to life

[ad_1] Down the road, the company plans to expand its “AR/T” program to other places in the US and abroad, as it looks to work with more local artists and developers on ways to put a technology twist on their art. “We feel really strongly about the value of the analog, like the materials,” Jessica […]

Elizabeth Warren pledges to break up Facebook, Google and Amazon

[ad_1] Warren has two proposals to counter the influence of these companies. First would be designating large tech platforms as “platform utilities.” “These companies would be prohibited from owning both the platform utility and any participants on that platform,” Warren says in the Medium post. Second, Warren proposes focusing on the reversal of tech mergers […]

Facebook only cares about privacy because it has to

[ad_1] That’s great and all, but why is Facebook suddenly interested in taking this approach? After all, the company has built its entire business model around people sharing things publicly. While Zuckerberg has been hinting at this new strategy in recent earnings calls, it’s now clear that it’s no longer just an idea. It will […]

Facebook will make anti-vaccine content less visible

[ad_1] Facebook’s crackdown on anti-vaxxers won’t just punish groups that spread the information, it will also make them harder to find. Anti-vaccine groups will be excluded from recommendations and won’t come up as predictions when typing in the search bar on Facebook. Advertisements that include misinformation about vaccinations will be rejected, and Facebook is squashing […]

Facebook Messenger bug let other people see who you’d been talking to

[ad_1] In a blog post, Imperva security researcher Ron Masas explains how a CSFL attack could exploit the properties of iFrame elements to determine the state of an application. Running this process through individual Messenger contacts would yield one of two states, full or empty, indicating whether a user had ever communicated with that contact […]

Facebook removes fake accounts stoking political tension in UK

[ad_1] The company didn’t say where the operators came from, but they were relatively sophisticated. On top of the Russia-style attempt at social division, those responsible “frequently changed” group and page names to keep people guessing. They amassed a solid following, too, with about 175,000 accounts following one or more Pages and 4,500 following at […]