Category: facial recognition

The LAPD has used facial recognition software 30,000 times since 2009

[ad_1] For years, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) hasn’t given a clear answer on whether it uses facial recognition in its policing work. That changed this week. On Monday, the agency told The Los Angeles Times it has used the technology nearly 30,000 times since late 2009.  The LAPD uses the Los Angeles County Regional Identification […]

Portland officials pass strict ban on facial recognition systems

[ad_1] Portland’s officials first revealed that they were working on the bill back in November 2019, and that if the bill passes, it will be the first to prohibit private businesses from deploying facial recognition systems. The legislation other cities approved in the past weren’t as strict: San Francisco’s ban, for instance, only applies to […]

What’s the tech industry’s place in a racial justice movement?

[ad_1] A blunt explanation for why technology corporations — consumer facing ones, at least — are taking an unusually bold stand on racism is simply that they are following the public.  Public interest lawyer Bryan Stevenson has talked about how, even if the North won the legal battle for racial equality in 1865, the South […]

New York City says it will reassess police use of facial recognition

[ad_1] “Those standards need to be reassessed,” the mayor went on to say. “That’s something I will do with my team and the NYPD.” The question came after NYPD admitted it had used facial recognition to investigate activist Derrick Ingram. Ingram had allegedly used a bullhorn during a June protest to shout into an officer’s ear. Police […]

UK court rules police facial recognition trials violate privacy laws

[ad_1] Facial recognition technology has been implemented on a trial basis in the UK since 2016, both in London by the Met and in South Wales by the SWP. In South Wales, the AI system is notorious for its error rate. In 2018, the SWP was found to have misidentified 2,300 people as potential criminals. […]

Rite Aid used facial recognition in hundreds of stores for years

[ad_1] As of last week, Rite Aid had pulled the plug on the software, which was present in around 200 locations, owing to a “larger industry conversation” about facial recognition. “Other large technology companies seem to be scaling back or rethinking their efforts around facial recognition given increasing uncertainty around the technology’s utility,” the company […]

Facebook will pay $650 million to settle facial recognition privacy lawsuit

[ad_1] Facebook will now hand over a total of $650 million to settle a lawsuit over the company’s use of facial recognition technology. The social network added $100 million to its initial $550 million settlement, Facebook revealed in court documents reported by Fortune.  The lawsuit dates back to 2015, when the company was hit with […]

New York lawmakers agree to pause use of facial recognition in schools

[ad_1] Education Policy Center deputy director Stephanie Coyle issued a statement for the NYCLU, explaining how facial recognition can affect Black and Brown students’ experiences. Facial recognition technologies can still be woefully inaccurate when it comes identifying PoCs and women, leading to mistaken identities and potentially false charges. Putting them in schools with students who […]

Facial recognition linked to a second wrongful arrest by Detroit police

[ad_1] The perpetrator, who was recorded in footage captured on a phone, doesn’t look like Oliver. For one thing, he has tattoos on his arms, and there aren’t any visible on the person in the video. When Oliver’s attorney took photos of him to the victim and an assistant prosecutor, they agreed Oliver had been […]

Mercedes’ new touchscreen controls eliminate 27 physical buttons

[ad_1] You won’t need to say “Hey Mercedes” before certain actions, like accepting a call, and the voice assistant will take on new capabilities, like instructing passengers on how to connect a smartphone via Bluetooth. “Hey Mercedes” now works in 27 languages and recognizes up to 20 voice commands. Mercedes-Benz Users can set personal preferences […]