Category: facial recognition

Recommended Reading: When facial recognition identifies the wrong person

[ad_1] Franklin Foer, The Atlantic When the US and countries around the world began to shut down, tech companies of all sizes announced plans to help. From donations to converting production lines for supplies and developing contact-tracing software, a large chunk of the industry offered to lend a hand. But were all of these companies […]

Members of Congress push to ban federal use of face recognition

[ad_1] No federal agency or official would be permitted to “acquire, possess, access or use” biometric surveillance tech in the US under the proposed legislation. Nor could they use any information from a third-party facial recognition system. In addition, the bill would ban the use of federal funds to acquire that type of technology. The […]

Boston bans police and city use of facial recognition software

[ad_1] The ban comes after software called DataWorks Plus and human error led to the wrongful arrest of a Black man in Detroit. Police arrested Robert Williams after the software incorrectly matched his driver’s license photo to security footage from the scene of a burglary. The incident is the first known instance of a wrongful […]

False facial recognition match leads to a wrongful arrest in Detroit

[ad_1] Many critics of police facial recognition use warn of the potential for racial bias that leads to false arrests, and unfortunately that appears to have happened. The ACLU has filed a complaint against Detroit police for the wrongful arrest of Robert Williams when a DataWorks Plus facial recognition system incorrectly matched security footage against […]

Podcast: PlayStation 5 details and hesitation over facial recognition

[ad_1] Sony unveiled the PlayStation 5 last week, sharing with the world the console’s design, specs, games and accessories. One question remains in everyone’s mind: How much will it cost? Devindra and Cherlynn are joined by deputy managing editor Nathan Ingraham to discuss this device’s eye-catching appearance, size and speculate how much it will cost. […]

Microsoft reportedly tried to sell facial recognition tech to the DEA

[ad_1] ACLU senior staff attorney Nathan Freed Wessler was concerned not just that Microsoft wanted to sell a “dangerous” tech to an agency involved in a “racist drug war,” but that it came just as the US Attorney General had reportedly expanded the DEA’s surveillance powers. The DEA could misuse the tech to spy on […]

Amazon places ‘moratorium’ on police use of its facial recognition tech

[ad_1] We’ve asked Amazon for comment. At present, it’s not clear if “police” refers to all law enforcement or standard police forces. The move comes just days after Congressional Democrats introduced a police reform bill that, among other things, would forbid the use of real-time facial recognition for body and dashboard cameras without a judge’s […]

IBM stops work on facial recognition over human rights concerns

[ad_1] Krishna’s letter was part of a broader call on Congress to push for broader police accountability and conduct reforms, including some that were already part of the recently introduced Justice in Policing Act of 2020. The move comes in the midst of protests over police brutality and discrimination, and not long after Clearview AI’s […]

Banjo CEO resigns to preserve the company’s AI surveillance deals

[ad_1] Utah had put its surveillance contract with Banjo on hold after learning that Patton had been a KKK member as a teenager, and had joined a group leader in a drive-by shooting. Patton had renounced his past and vowed that it didn’t affect his company’s practices, but Utah paused its use of the technology […]

Utah pauses Banjo’s AI surveillance after learning of owner’s racist past

[ad_1] Utah is putting its AI surveillance system on ice after learning of its creator’s background. The state has suspended (via Salt Lake Tribune) Banjo’s contract after learning from a OneZero report that company head Damien was part of the Dixie Knights of the Ku Klux Klan as a teenager and joined the racist group’s […]