Category: facial recognition

Clearview AI’s source code was exposed by a security lapse

[ad_1] The leak also revealed Clearview’s prototype “Insight” camera that has since been discontinued. As TechCrunch showed in a video, SpiderSilk reportedly found 70,000 videos in one storage bucket that were taken from an Insight camera installed in a residential building in Manhattan. The company said it “collected some raw video strictly for debugging purposes, […]

AI transforms ‘The Great British Bakeoff’ into a horror show

[ad_1] Rather, they’re a mashup of bodies, bread and faces twisted grotesquely together and set in a nightmare tent. How did a system so great at generating realistic fake faces go so spectacularly wrong in this scenario? According to Shane’s article, it’s a vivid (and hilarious) demonstration of what you can and can’t do with […]

Microsoft pulls its smaller investments in facial recognition tech

[ad_1] There was no publicly available timeline for when Microsoft would offload its AnyVision stake, a spokesperson told Reuters. AnyVision had been accused of using facial recognition to surveil Palestinians around the West Bank, contradicting Microsoft’s promise to avoid any uses of the tech that impinged on democratic freedoms. However, an audit found no evidence […]

Washington state approves stronger facial recognition regulations

[ad_1] The House and the Senate originally couldn’t agree on the language used for Senate Bill 6280. After a series of negotiations, though, they were able to decide on a final version of the bill, which the lawmakers say is “one of the first and most comprehensive laws to regulate facial recognition technology in the […]

Banjo AI surveillance is already monitoring traffic cams across Utah

[ad_1] Banjo relies on info scraped from social media, satellite imaging data and the real-time info from law enforcement. Banjo claims its “Live Time Intelligence” AI can identify crimes — everything from kidnappings to shootings and “opioid events” — as they happen. Banjo presents many of the same concerns that similar companies have encountered. One […]

Russian court says facial recognition tech does not violate privacy

[ad_1] Activists had hoped the courts would ban the use of the technology, which was rolled out in the city throughout 2019 — the system cost at least 3.3 billion roubles ($50 million) and comprises more than 105,000 cameras. The system — which remained operational throughout the legal proceedings — is now being used to […]

Apple blocks Clearview AI’s iPhone app

[ad_1] Won’t someone just let Clearview AI invade our privacy in peace? After having its full client list stolen and leaked on the internet, the controversial facial recognition startup is now in hot water with Apple. The iPhone maker has blocked Clearview’s iPhone app over violating the rules of its enterprise software program, TechCrunch reports. […]

IBM and Microsoft support the Vatican’s guidelines for ethical AI

[ad_1] The pledge, presented to Pope Francis today, calls for AI that safeguards the rights of all humans, especially the underprivileged, and for new regulations in areas like facial recognition. It asks tech leaders to “humanise technology and not ‘technologise’ humanity,” Novena News reports. “The Vatican is not an expert on the technology but on […]

Clearview AI leak names businesses using its facial recognition database

[ad_1] Thousands of public law enforcement agencies and private companies are named in the client logs including Best Buy and Macy’s, the Department of Justice including ICE, the CBP, Interpol, and the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, as well as a number of foreign states like the UAE. Facial recognition […]

Facial recognition startup Clearview AI says its full client list was stolen

[ad_1] That same intruder also knows how many accounts those organizations set up, as well as how many searches they’ve conducted in the past. The company claims its servers weren’t breached, and that it was able to shore up the vulnerability. Thankfully, it doesn’t appear the intruder was able to access Clearview’s database of three […]