Category: facialrecognition

Facial recognition linked to a second wrongful arrest by Detroit police

[ad_1] The perpetrator, who was recorded in footage captured on a phone, doesn’t look like Oliver. For one thing, he has tattoos on his arms, and there aren’t any visible on the person in the video. When Oliver’s attorney took photos of him to the victim and an assistant prosecutor, they agreed Oliver had been […]

Members of Congress push to ban federal use of face recognition

[ad_1] No federal agency or official would be permitted to “acquire, possess, access or use” biometric surveillance tech in the US under the proposed legislation. Nor could they use any information from a third-party facial recognition system. In addition, the bill would ban the use of federal funds to acquire that type of technology. The […]

Appeals court allows Facebook facial recognition lawsuit to proceed

[ad_1] The court “concluded that the development of a face template using facial-recognition technology without consent (as alleged in this case) invades an individual’s private affairs and concrete interests.” Judge Sandra Ikuta wrote in an opinion that “the facial-recognition technology at issue here can obtain information that is ‘detailed, encyclopedic, and effortlessly compiled,’ which would […]

Colorado college students were secretly used to train facial recognition

[ad_1] The study, carried out in 2012 and 2013, was made to determine, in part, if algorithms could identify facial features from a long distance away, through obstacles and in poor light. A telephoto camera was set up at a distance of about 150 meters away from a public area with a lot of foot […]

Amazon asks delivery drivers to verify their identities with selfies

[ad_1] A message in the Amazon Flex app told drivers they had to take a selfie before they could continue working (though it urges them not to take photos while driving). Amazon also informed drivers it may collect their biometric data to occasionally confirm their identity. The selfie obligation could stop Flex drivers from sharing […]