Category: fairing

SpaceX pulls off its first double fairing catch after a Falcon 9 launch

[ad_1] Part of the SpaceX mission has been to create reusable rockets that make spaceflight cheaper, and it has become routine to see the company’s booster rockets return safely to Earth. With today’s launch SpaceX set a new milestone by catching both halves of the nosecone fairing, according to a tweet from CEO Elon Musk. […]

Watch SpaceX try to catch both halves of a Falcon 9 nose cone at 7:10PM ET

[ad_1] If you’ve seen footage of a rocket launch, you’ll have some sense of all the moving parts involved with trying to recover a nose cone — even if you don’t know the name of the components. The nose cone of a rocket is made up of two halves, called the payload fairing. These shield […]