Category: fake

New York orders Craigslist to remove ads for fake COVID-19 treatments

[ad_1] On top of this, James has sent letters to GoDaddy and five other internet registrars asking them to halt the registration of domain names for virus-related scams, and to delist those names that are already in use. While this wasn’t an order, the Attorney General warned that these sites are likely to be violating […]

Facebook and eBay crack down on fake product reviews after UK warning

[ad_1] According to the CMA, neither company was purposefully allowing such reviews on their platforms, but believed they could do better in preventing such activity. Facebook has since agreed to introduce more robust systems to detect and remove fraudulent content, while eBay has improved its existing filters to better identify and block listings for the […]

Adobe, Twitter and the New York Times team up to fight digital fakes

[ad_1] Adobe, Twitter and the New York Times are tired of seeing fake media propagate, and they're teaming up to do something about it. The trio has launched a Content Authenticity Initiative that aims to create a standard for digital media attribution. I… [ad_2] Source link

MIT made an AI that can detect and create fake images

[ad_1] Named GANpaint Studio, the tool is available as a free demo. Rather than manually add a tree to an image, you can tell the tool where you want the object and it will add one that matches the scene. You can erase objects too, like stools from an image of a kitchen. It’s still […]

FEMA’s presidential alerts are an easy target for spoofing attacks

[ad_1] In their paper, the researchers developed and tested a spoofing attack on presidential alerts. They used commercially available hardware and modified open-source software to send messages to nearly every phone in a 50,000-seat stadium with a 90 percent success rate. The vulnerability is due to the fact that WEA alerts use LTE. Alerts are […]