Category: fcc

Democrats move closer to passing the 'Save the Internet' Act

[ad_1] Democrats have just made significant progress in restoring net neutrality rules in the US. The "Save the Internet Act" unveiled last month has now been approved by the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which means it can now be considered by the f… [ad_2] Source link

FCC commissioner calls for crackdown on sales of phone location data

[ad_1] Starks added a sense of urgency, noting that the FCC usually only has a year to do something before the statute of limitations expires. Whether or not anything happens is far from guaranteed. Starks noted that Chairman Ajit Pai “sets the agenda” at the FCC, and it’s up to him to say if and […]

‘Call of Duty’ swatter to serve 20 years in prison

[ad_1] After being given an address by the gamer he was in an argument with, Shane Gaskill, Barriss called the Wichita police posing as his rival. He told the dispatcher that he murdered his father and was holding the rest of his family hostage. A SWAT team showed up at the address provided to him […]

FCC clears path for terahertz wireless data

[ad_1] The measure also sets aside 21.2GHz of spectrum to share for unlicensed devices. The airwaves in question were chosen to minimize possible interference with current “governmental and scientific” uses in those areas, such as space science. These frequencies could lead to extremely fast wireless network data, advanced imaging and very fine-grained sensors, among other […]

FCC wants to help identify the floor a 911 call is coming from

[ad_1] Wireless service providers are already required to provide 911 call centers with a “dispatchable location” such as a street address or apartment number. With the new rules, those companies would also have to provide location information on the z-axis, showing the verticality of a caller. Accuracy will have to be plus or minus three […]

House Democrats will introduce bill to reinstate net neutrality rules

[ad_1] If the bill represents a full return to the 2015 rules, it would ban internet providers from blocking or slowing legal content, including through roundabout means like “fast lanes” where customers pay for better performance. The post-repeal FCC allows these restrictions so long as ISPs disclose what they’re doing. The measure faces stiff odds. […]