Category: finance

G20 leaders will discuss raising taxes for big tech firms next week

[ad_1] The finance ministers are scheduled to meet in Washington, where they’ll review proposals by the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) — the group tasked with overhauling tax rules that date back to the 1920s. The new rules may create a corporate income tax of a few percentage points, which could make […]

EU grills Facebook over Libra’s financial and privacy risks

[ad_1] The questioning is part of a larger EU effort to determine if and how Libra should be regulated, provided it’s even allowed to operate in the region. There are significant hurdles to that happening. The European Central Bank’s Benoît Coeuré has warned that the standards for approval “will be very high,” and the French […]

Facebook’s Libra currency will get half its backing from the US dollar

[ad_1] This isn’t surprising given Facebook’s home turf and the usual strength of the US dollar. The absence of certain currencies might work in Libra’s favor, too. The absence of China’s yuan could appease American politicians scrutinizing the currency by assuaging their fears of Chinese influence. US officials have long accused China of softening the […]

Uber’s next business idea: Lending money to drivers

[ad_1] The survey reportedly asked drivers if they have taken out any small loans of $1,000 or less in the last three years. It also asked “If Uber provided loans, what amount are you most likely to request?” The question offered drivers answers including “Less than $100,” “Between $100 and $250,” “Between $250 and $500” […]

Apple’s credit card could arrive in the first half of August

[ad_1] Getting a product like this off the ground is no easy feat, especially given that Apple’s decision to partner with Goldman Sachs meant two very different corporate cultures (Silicon Valley vs Wall Street) had to work together. Bloomberg reports that the two companies split up many of the responsibilities but worked together on the […]

SEC approves a stock exchange built for tech startups

[ad_1] The green light required revisions before the LTE could receive the SEC’s blessing. Companies on the LTSE will be allowed to list stock on other exchanges. A number of companies have signaled their intent to list on the exchange when it goes live, although LTSE creator Eric Ries has declined to name them. If […]

Tesla investors sue to stop Elon Musk’s ‘unchecked’ use of Twitter

[ad_1] The SEC has already asked a judge to find Musk in contempt of his settlement after he didn’t appear to have cleared the “500k” tweet with the attorney responsible for vetting his tweets. We’ve asked Tesla for comment. This isn’t the greatest threat Musk faces, since the SEC could suspend him from running Tesla, […]