Category: firefox

Mozilla is shutting down Firefox Send and Notes

[ad_1] “In the intervening period, as we weighed the cost of our overall portfolio and strategic focus, we made the decision not to relaunch the service,” Mozilla said. Since Send is already offline, there’s nothing you have to do to prepare for its decommissioning. The other tool Mozilla is sunsetting is Firefox Notes. Like Send, […]

Firefox’s overhauled Android app adds the browser’s best desktop features

[ad_1] Completely new to Firefox for Android is a feature called Collections that allows you to save and organize websites for later visits. If Collections sound a lot like your classic bookmarks, functionally they are, but there’s a good reason Mozilla developed the feature. According to Vesta Zare, the project’s manager, Collections came out of […]

Comcast is the first ISP to join Mozilla’s push for more secure browsing

[ad_1] Mozilla’s effort to secure domain name requests now has a major new ally: Comcast. The cable giant’s Xfinity brand has become the first internet provider to provide encrypted DNS services through Mozilla’s Trusted Recursive Resolver program. If you’re a Firefox user with Xfinity service, it should be that much harder for people to snoop […]

Microsoft Edge becomes the second most popular desktop web browser

[ad_1] It’s not hard to divine why Edge might grow so rapidly. Its status as Windows’ default browser helps, as does Microsoft’s overall clout. However, it also helps that the Chromium-based version eliminates many of the complaints about the old version of Edge running on Microsoft’s own engine, such as compatibility, speed and the range […]

Google Earth finally works on Firefox, Edge and Opera browsers

[ad_1] Earth was originally built using the Chrome-only Native Client solution, so to get the product to other browsers, Google had to switch gears. The search giant decided to rebuild Earth by compiling the C++ code using WebAssembly, a new binary, Java-like language that works across all web browsers. WebAssembly was only recently recommended (on […]

Firefox gets picture-in-picture video playback on Windows

[ad_1] Once you’ve downloaded the most recent version of Firefox, hover over a video and a blue “Picture-in-Picture” option will pop up. Click the button and the video will open in a solitary player that you can move around as needed. The feature is only available on the Windows version of the browser, but it […]

Russian hackers modify Chrome and Firefox to track secure web traffic

[ad_1] Just why the intruders would need to do that isn’t entirely clear. If you’ve infected a system with a remote control trojan, you don’t need to patch the browser to spy on traffic. ZDNet suggested it might be a failsafe that let intruders spy on traffic for people who remove the trojan, but aren’t […]

Google faces scrutiny from Congress, DOJ over plans to encrypt DNS

[ad_1] The House sent a letter on September 13th asking if Google would use data handled through the process for commercial purposes. Google has maintained that its Chrome tweaks would give users control over who shares their info, and that it won’t force people to switch to encrypted DNS. That likely won’t allay telecoms’ fears. […]

Firefox will encrypt web domain name requests by default

[ad_1] Not every request will use HTTPS. Mozilla is relying on a “fallback” method that will revert to your operating system’s default DNS if there’s either a specific need for them (such as some parental controls and enterprise configurations) or an outright lookup failure. This should respect the choices of users and IT managers who […]

Google and Mozilla to block web surveillance in Kazakhstan

[ad_1] Turns out that the root certificate was a Trojan Horse. It allowed the Kazakhstan government to perform a “man-in-the-middle” or MitM attack against HTTPS connections to a list of 37 domains, including Facebook, Twitter, Google and more, according to a study published by University of Michigan’s Censored Planet. Normally, HTTPS websites are encrypted in […]