Category: Ford

Ford hopes you’ll trade some privacy for discounted car insurance

[ad_1] The companies are promising discounts of up to 40 percent, although that will likely vary. The insurance is available now in 39 states with notable exceptions like New York and Washington, although it should reach other states “over time.” This is more convenient than other forms of usage-based insurance. You don’t need to buy […]

DOJ reportedly ends antitrust investigation over reducing car pollution

[ad_1] Last year the Trump Administration sought to roll back the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan that pushed for higher fuel efficiency standards. It has also tried to stop states from like California from setting their own standards that exceed those of the federal government. Despite that, several automakers, including Ford, BMW, Volkswagen and Honda, […]

Ford’s biking jacket shows emoji to everyone behind you

[ad_1] To bolster road safety, Ford came up with a way to help cyclists communicate: a jacket that displays emoji. The prototype has an LED display on the rear that’s linked to a wireless remote attached to the handlebars. A cyclist might use it to display turn signals or a hazard symbol. They could also […]

Ford thinks the Mustang Mach-E’s frunk is a good tailgate cooler

[ad_1] This likely won’t lead to a significant uptick in reservations ahead of the Mach-E’s late 2020 debut. First… ew. And if that isn’t a factor, there’s a good possibility that you have better (or at least, more sanitary) ways to use 4.8 cubic feet of free space. This does highlight the practicality of frunks […]

The Mustang Mach-E’s extended range battery is a popular option

[ad_1] While Ford hasn’t revealed exactly how many people are lining up to pre-order the Mustang Mach-E, the company has released some stats showing which versions people prefer so far. Apparently battery life is important to buyers of the sporty electric SUV, with 80 percent opting for versions with the long range battery that lets […]

Ford Mustang Mach-E timing details revealed

[ad_1] By Byron Hurd ​​​​​​The Ford Mustang Mach-E electric crossover was one of the biggest hype magnets of the 2019 Los Angeles Auto Show, but with deliveries still a year away, would-be buyers have been waiting patiently (or perhaps not-so-patiently) for any production and delivery updates. Thanks to a Ford dealer in Colorado, we have […]

Ford’s next Focus RS may be a powerful hybrid

[ad_1] Car suggested that hybrid tech for the rear wheels would not only provide better traction, but improve handling through smarter torque vectoring. It wouldn’t be the same as a conventional all-wheel drive system (where one powerplant drives all four wheels), but it would accomplish many of the same goals. It’s not certain when the […]

Ford will turn McDonald’s used coffee bean husks into car parts

[ad_1] Ford already uses various sustainable materials like soy and tree cellulose in an effort to only use recycled and renewable plastics in its vehicles. It has added coffee chaff to the list after its research team discovered that it can be turned into a durable product by heating it to high temperatures under low […]

Ford GoRide Health shifts to autonomy and shuts down in five cities

[ad_1] GoRide Health will no longer be available in Detroit or Toledo, Dayton, Cleveland and Cincinnati, Ohio. That will leave customers searching for new ways to get to appointments, which is not a great look for Ford. The company has not revealed what its Miami-based program will look like, only that the pilot will research […]

Ford’s Mustang Mach-E First Edition is sold out in the US

[ad_1] Don’t despair too much if you want the electric Mustang relatively quickly. The not-quite-entry-level Premium model is still due to arrive in late 2020 (not far behind the First Edition) as of this writing. It’s the Select, California Route 1 and GT variants that won’t arrive until early 2021. You can still impress all […]