Category: foxconn

Foxconn’s contentious Wisconsin plant will be used to make ventilators

[ad_1] Foxconn’s dubious Wisconsin factory — the subject of billions of dollars of tax subsidy scrutiny — will be used to produce ventilators to aid in treatment for COVID-19 around the US. The company, best known for assembling Apple’s iPhones at factories in China, has entered into a partnership with healthcare firm Medtronic for the […]

Apple and Foxconn admit to hiring too many temporary workers

[ad_1] Many of those workers were student interns, but even discounting that, temporary workers still made up to 30 percent of the workforce. Apple confirmed to Bloomberg that “the percentage of dispatch workers exceeded our standards,” adding that it’s “working closely with Foxconn to resolve this issue.” Foxconn also affirmed that it was violating laws […]

After Math: Flipping the Switch

[ad_1] When Foxconn and the Wisconsin state government agreed to open a production facility in the home of the Cheeseheads, the addition of 13,000 jobs was supposed to come with the new buildings. Psych, Foxconn is actually only bringing 1,500 jobs to the state, despite receiving $222 million in subsidies. But don’t worry they’ve got […]

Foxconn’s Wisconsin plant opens next May with fewer jobs than promised

[ad_1] The facility, officially announced in 2017, has yet to be built and is more than a year behind schedule. According to CNBC, Foxconn only recently began laying the foundation, and it will likely fall short of the 1,820 jobs it needs to create by the end of 2020 in order to secure $270 million […]

Tariffs are forcing Big Tech to move production out of China

[ad_1] Last month, the US increased import tariffs on certain Chinese goods from 10 percent to 25 percent. If the tariff hike goes through, items like motherboards, smartphones, video game consoles and computers could be subject to the 25 percent tax. At that rate, Nintendo might be forced to sell its consoles at a loss […]

Huawei reportedly scales back phone production following US ban

[ad_1] Foxconn declined to comment, and Huawei hadn’t initially responded to requests for comment. Provided the report is accurate, it would signal an abrupt end to Huawei’s runaway growth. Not that the company might have much choice when US companies can’t work with the firm unless they have explicit permission. Without official Android support (and […]

Foxconn boss Terry Gou is running for president of Taiwan

[ad_1] According to Gou, he was inspired to pursue presidency by the sea goddess Mazu, who came to him in a dream encouraging him to promote peace across the Taiwan Strait. Speaking to a crowd at a temple in Taipei, he said that, “Mazu doesn’t want Taiwanese society to be so difficult. Mazu told me […]