Category: free speech

Wikipedia comes back online in Turkey after multi-year ban

[ad_1] However, the decision was reversed in December last year by Turkey’s Constitutional Court — the highest court in the country. The court deemed the ban unconstitutional, and ruled that the restriction violated free speech. Local reports say that access to Wikipedia is now being restored across the country, although some users will be able […]

Mark Zuckerberg will stream a speech on ‘free expression’ Thursday

[ad_1] His talk is sure to be newsworthy one way or another. At the very least, it should offer some insight into the logic behind some of Zuckerberg’s (and by extension, Facebook’s) stance on free speech. It follows criticism from presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren (with a Facebook ad including a blatant lie about Zuckerberg endorsing […]

Europe’s top court rules that Facebook can be ordered to remove illegal content

[ad_1] The decision by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) comes after former politician Eva Glawischnig-Piesczek sued Facebook Ireland in the Austrian courts, in a bid to have an insulting comment removed which she believed was harmful to her reputation. The Facebook user in question had shared an article on their Facebook page, accompanied by […]

Beto O’Rourke wants to hold internet companies liable for hate speech

[ad_1] O’Rourke’s proposals would also demand that bigger internet platforms have terms of service banning “hateful activities” that foster violence, harassment, threats and defamation based on a host of cultural and physical traits, including skin color, religion, gender identity and immigration status. Companies would have to implement systems that identify and clamp down on this […]

Russia demands Google stop advertising ‘illegal’ protests on YouTube

[ad_1] The company won’t have much choice but to respond. The Russian agency said it would treat continued promotion as “interference in the sovereign affairs” of the country and consider Google a “hostile influence” ostensibly bent on obstructing elections. Officials would have the “right to an adequate reaction,” Roskomnadzor said. We’ve asked Google for comment. […]

Democratic hopeful Tulsi Gabbard sues Google over alleged censorship

[ad_1] According to The New York Times, after the first debate, Gabbard was briefly the most searched-for candidate on Google. Purchasing ads would have helped the campaign get its website at the top of the search results, Tulsi Now Inc. said. The campaign team also believes its emails were being placed in Gmail spam folders […]

Federal appeals court rules Trump can’t ban critics on Twitter

[ad_1] It’s not yet known if Trump and the Justice Department will try to escalate the appeal, although that appears likely. The White House has maintained that Trump’s personal account (the one he uses most often) isn’t covered by the First Amendment like an official account would be, and that muting Twitter users wouldn’t be […]

Sri Lanka lifts social media ban nine days after terrorist bombings

[ad_1] Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Viber were reportedly among the platforms blocked. Nine days later, it’s unclear if the restrictions helped curb violence or limit the spread of misinformation. Sri Lanka isn’t the only country to block social media in an attempt to squash unrest. It joins the likes of the Democratic Republic of Congo, […]

Facebook, Google and Twitter will join a hearing on tech censorship next week

[ad_1] While we can guess, we don’t know exactly what the subcommittee (chaired by Senator Ted Cruz) plans to discuss. Since the 2016 election, tech companies have been accused of — and denied — censoring conservative speech. This also comes just one week after Mark Zuckerberg proposed four ways to regulate the internet. Google and […]