Category: Ftc

FTC could file Facebook antitrust lawsuit by the end of this year

[ad_1] The FTC is preparing for a possible antitrust lawsuit against Facebook before the year ends, according to The Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg. If you’ll recall, the agency started looking into the social network’s purchase of smaller companies like Instagram and WhatsApp last year, shortly after it slapped Facebook with a $5 billion fine […]

Twitter expects a fine of up to $250 million over privacy violations

[ad_1] Twitter said it received a draft complaint from the FTC, accusing it of violating a 2011 agreement it signed with the Commission, on July 28th, 2020. As Financial Times notes, that agreement prohibits the company from misleading “consumers about the extent to which it protects the security, privacy, and confidentiality” of their data and […]

FTC investigation of Facebook may not finish before 2021

[ad_1] Facebook and the FTC have declined to comment on the reports of progress into the investigations, although Facebook did say it was eager to share its “views on the competitive landscape” when Zuckerberg testifies to Congress on July 27th. Many details of the case are under wraps, but they’re believed to focus on whether […]

DoJ will reportedly limit social media companies’ speech protections

[ad_1] For example, the proposal would not give companies legal immunity in cases involving acts like terrorism, sexual abuse and cyberstalking. Another part of the proposal would also reportedly limit what protection tech companies have in civil cases involving the federal government. The Wall Street Journal reports the proposal also suggests striking a clause that allows online […]

Senators ask FTC to investigate Instacart over ‘tip baiting’

[ad_1] Instacart characterized these abuses as rare in a statement to Engadget, saying that tips stay the same or climb higher for “99.5% of orders” and that tip-based earnings have “nearly doubled” since the COVID-19 pandemic started. You can read the full statement below. The company didn’t directly address instances where tip baiting has happened […]

FCC, FTC give providers 48 hours to block COVID-19 scam robocalls

[ad_1] The de facto order is not-so-subtly aimed at VoIP providers accused of easing access for these scam callers, including Connexum, SIPJoin and VoIP Terminator/BLMarketing. It’s a drastic step, but it might be vital. Among the campaigns are bogus COVID-19 tests and cleaning services. These scams could rob people of money or even get someone […]

Senator asks FTC to investigate questionable ad blocking practices (updated)

[ad_1] You're not the only one concerned that ad blocking companies may have taken customers for a ride by whitelisting advertisers willing to pay. Senator Ron Wyden has sent a letter to the FTC asking the regulator to investigate ad blocking companies over… [ad_2] Source link

Bipartisan bill would give parents more power to protect their kids online

[ad_1] If Congress enacts the bill, online services, websites and apps will need to give parents the ability to delete any personal information related to their children. That’s a power that COPPA, in its current form, doesn’t provide parents. The legislation also aims to raise the age at which companies can collect data from an […]

Facebook and eBay crack down on fake product reviews after UK warning

[ad_1] According to the CMA, neither company was purposefully allowing such reviews on their platforms, but believed they could do better in preventing such activity. Facebook has since agreed to introduce more robust systems to detect and remove fraudulent content, while eBay has improved its existing filters to better identify and block listings for the […]

FTC may block Facebook’s integration plans for WhatsApp and Instagram

[ad_1] The commission started its investigation after Facebook announced that it would unify the technical underpinnings of WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook. That would allow its 2.7 billion users to send private, encrypted messages from one app that could be received on another. “We’re building a foundation for social communication aligned with the direction people increasingly […]