Category: funomena

Katamari creator’s friend-making game ‘Wattam’ arrives December 17th

[ad_1] Ready to once again dive into the weird-but-welcoming mind of Katamari Damacy creator Keita Takahashi? You won’t have to wait too much longer. Funomena and Annapurna Interactive have finally nailed down a release date for the friendship-focused Wattam, and now expect to release it on PS4 and PC (through the Epic Games Store) on […]

Katamari creator’s friendship game ‘Wattam’ arrives in December

[ad_1] You won’t have to wait too much longer for a new game from Katamari Damacy creator Keita Takahashi. His weird but adorable Wattam is now slated to arrive on PS4 sometime in December 2019. To recap, it’s all about a mayor who wants to reconnect with friends through increasingly oddball activities, like making eyelid […]