Category: gas

Oil giant BP plans to be carbon neutral by 2050

[ad_1] As part of the plan, BP said it would reorganize into a more “focused” structure that includes four groups (such as Gas & Low Carbon Energy and Innovation & Engineering) and integrators that promote sustainability and emissions reductions. Company chief Bernard Looney (who only took the job earlier in February) wasn’t shy about the […]

Cops put a stop to Amazon’s 30-cent ‘Mrs. Maisel’ gas promo

[ad_1] The August 15th “Maisel Day” promo also offers 1959 prices for food, hotel stays, movie tickets and other common purchases, although it’s safe to say those didn’t create nearly as much trouble. Earlier campaigns, such a Carnegie Deli discount last winter, also went comparatively smoothly. We’ve asked Amazon for comment. With that said, it […]

Renewable energy is on the rise, but so is demand for fossil fuels

[ad_1] According to IRENA, 171GW of renewable energy was added to the global mix in 2018, marking an annual increase of 7.9 percent, and accounting for two-thirds of new power generation capacity altogether. Hydropower takes the largest share with 1,172GW worldwide, followed by wind at 564GW and solar with 480GW, although solar saw the largest […]